Show record 1 to 10 of 18 from RCT
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  • MON : Electronic resource : Not available for external loan
    Healthcare and disease burden in Africa : the impact of socioeconomic factors on public health
    Springer Nature
    health care delivery | developing countries | cross-national comparison | population characteristics | economics | gender aspects | pandemic effects | digital literacy | social media | poverty | health expenditures | health services accessibility | hospitals | physical activity | nutrition | substance use epidemiology | noncommunicable diseases epidemiology | communicable diseases epidemiology | cost of illness | health status | mortality | literacy | educational status | Algeria | Côte d'Ivoire | Ghana | Kenya | Morocco | Nigeria | South Africa | Tunisia
  • ART : 30913 : Not available for external loan
    Providing care for those fleeing war : challenges and solutions for Polish doctors looking after refugees from Ukraine
    BMJ Publishing Group
    Poland | Ukraine | refugee aid | humanitarian aid | health care delivery | health personnel statistics | health workforce | health expenditures | health services accessibility | Ukrainian refugees statistics | letter [publication type] | language | communication barriers | child psychiatry | mental health status | health status | chronic disease | health services needs and demand
    BMJ ; vol. 377
  • ART : 30914 : Not available for external loan
    'Doctors ask me to feed my kids-but how?' : the Russia-Ukraine war hits Syrian refugees in Lebanon
    BMJ Publishing Group
    Russian Federation | Ukraine | Lebanon | armed conflict effects | humanitarian aid | Syrian refugees | food supply | cost of living | poverty | medication adherence | health expenditures | commentary [publication type] | malnutrition | offspring, child | economic crisis | economic conditions | mental health | living conditions | psychological stress
    BMJ ; vol. 377
  • ART : 30566 : Not available for external loan
    Poland's buckling healthcare system nevertheless welcomes Ukraine refugees with open arms
    BMJ Publishing Group
    Poland | Ukraine | refugee aid | humanitarian aid | access to labour market | health personnel | hospitals | health expenditures | health care delivery | Ukrainian refugees statistics
    BMJ ; vol. 377
  • ART : 31365 : Not available for external loan
    Palestinian dependence on external health services : de-development as a tool of dispossession
    health care delivery | repression strategies | armed conflict effects | foreign occupations | politics | health expenditures | health services accessibility | NGOs role | travel documents | freedom of movement | health care disparities | health promotion | aid policy | Palestine, State of | Israel
    Middle East law and governance ; vol. 14, no. 3
  • ART : 25884 : Not available for external loan
    International funding for mental health : a review of the last decade
    Oxford University Press
    20060000-20160000 | universal | development aid | OECD | healthcare financing | mental health expenditures | review [publication type] | developing countries | aid policy | economics | international cooperation | financial support | mental health services
    International health ; vol. 11, no. 5
  • ART : 25427 : Not available for external loan
    How government reactions to violence worsen social welfare : evidence from Peru
    Peru | political violence | warfare | civilian population | pregnant women | health services accessibility | causality | child mortality | killings | military personnel | armed forces | military expenditures | health expenditures | economics | government policy | long-term effects | social welfare | societal effects | internal conflict
    American journal of political science ; vol. 63, no. 2
  • ART : 25130 : Not available for external loan
    The socioeconomic burden of pain from war
    American Public Health Association
    armed conflict | wounds and injuries | health expenditures | health policy | chronic pain | refugees | veterans | training of health personnel | social networking | patient education | treatment models | case study [publication type] | pain management | health services needs and demand | comorbidity | disabled persons | pain | cost of illness | civilian population | torture victims | war victims | societal effects | warfare | United States | Western Asia
    American journal of public health ; vol. 109, no. 1
  • ART : 24038 : Not available for external loan
    Mapping the Zambian prison health system : an analysis of key structural determinants
    Taylor and Francis
    Zambia | prison health care | personnel selection | facility design and construction | prison conditions | prison health personnel | governance | health services | health policy | health expenditures | politics | prisons
    Global public health ; vol. 12, no. 7
  • ART : 23569 : Not available for external loan
    Does spending on refugees make a difference? : a cross-sectional study of the association between refugee program spending and health outcomes in 70 sites in 17 countries
    BioMed Central
    Burundi | Bangladesh | Central African Republic | Djibouti | Ethiopia | Kenya | Namibia | Nepal | Rwanda | Sudan | Chad | Thailand | Tanzania, United Republic of | Uganda | Yemen | Zambia | health policy | adult | Burundi refugees | Rwandan refugees | Bhutanese refugees | Sudanese refugees | Somali refugees | Eritrean refugees | Burmese refugees | Congolese refugees | refugee camps | humanitarian aid | child mortality | health expenditures | programme evaluation | epidemiology | mortality | intergovernmental organisations | UNHCR | displaced persons | asylum seekers | refugees | statistical information | cross-national comparison
    Conflict and health ; vol. 10