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  • ART : 32570 : Not available for external loan
    On the path to universalism? : the role of external instruments in the European Court of Human Rights jurisprudence
    treaty interpretation | human rights universality | risk of torture | torture prevention | ECHR-3 | UN treaty bodies role | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | legal reasoning | judicial decisions | decision making | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | international legal instruments role | norm transfer | regional human rights protection systems | Europe
    Nordic journal of international law ; vol. 92, no. 2
  • ART : 29469 : Not available for external loan
    Rights as rationalizations? : psychological debunking of beliefs about human rights
    Cambridge University Press
    universal | attitude to human rights | belief systems | epistemology | decision making | legal reasoning | psychological models | human rights universality | moral reasoning
    Legal theory ; vol. 27, no. 2
  • ART : 29568 : Not available for external loan
    The sexual politics of violence against women
    Palgrave Macmillan
    universal | gender-based violence classification | violence against women | domestic violence | economic violence | political violence | cultural violence | women victimisation | sexuality | health | reproductive rights | self concept | sociocultural factors | gender roles | family systems | women's rights | human rights universality | advocacy strategies | civil society's role | human rights violations | honour killings | immigrants | refugees | attitude to victims | social stigma | rape victims, female | shame | child, female victimisation | police violence | legal protection | developing countries | developed countries | poverty areas | sexual abuse | rape classification | organised violence | structural violence | determinants of violence | poverty | social inequality | female genital mutilation | warfare | refugees, female | asylum seekers, female | torture victims, female | violence effects
    Women’s health movements: a global force for change. - ISBN 978-981-13-9466-9
  • MON : 2023.051 : Not available for external loan
    International human rights law and practice
    Cambridge University
    international human rights law | international trade | globalisation | torts | international organisation's role | business corporations role | habeas corpus | deportation | illegal detention | extraordinary rendition | derogation | limitation of rights and freedoms | counterterrorism | international criminal justice | individual responsibility | genocide | crimes against humanity | war crime | civilian population victimisation prevention | foreign occupations | international humanitarian law | victimhood | restitution | reparations | sustainable development | right to development | racial discrimination | age discrimination | sexual minorities rights | disabled persons rights | refugee rights | poverty | trafficking in persons | child soldiers | child rights | gender aspects | women's rights | indigenous groups | minority rights | self-determination | economic, social and cultural rights | right to liberty and security of the person | right to life | fair trial rights | disappearances | freedom from torture | freedom of expression | civil and political rights | complaint admissibility | AU. African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights | OAS. Inter-American Court of Human Rights' role | CoE. European Court of Human Rights' role | regional human rights protection systems | universal human rights protection system | complaint procedures | UN. Committee Against Torture | UN treaty bodies role | OHCHR's role | UN Charter | UN General Assembly's role | human rights monitoring | UN Security Council's role | UN. Human Rights Council's role | universal periodic review | domestic implementation | field work | human rights defender's role | NGOs role | civil society's role | cultural relativism | jus cogens | non governmental entities | state obligations | human rights universality | belief systems | philosophical aspects | jurisprudence | universal | Asia | Africa | South America | Central America | Europe
  • ART : 28150 : Not available for external loan
    Systematic review of the causes of Latin American states' compliance with international human rights law
    Johns Hopkins University
    international human rights law | state compliance | determinants | review [publication type] | regional human rights protection systems | judicial decisions | politics | international relations | regional processes | state behaviour | ethics | reputation | advocacy strategies | culture | human rights universality | disappearances | freedom from torture | values | accountability for torture | state compliance classification | cooperative behaviour | accountability | Central America | South America
    Human rights quarterly ; vol. 41, no. 3
  • MON : 2019.051 : Not available for external loan
    Letters to the contrary : a curated history of the UNESCO Human Rights Survey
    Stanford University
    universal | China | USSR | human rights universality | disabled persons | children | freedom of thought | freedom of expression | right to information | education | prisoners | indigenous groups | Hinduism | Islam | colonialism | science | human duties | economic, social and cultural rights | language | cross-national comparison | Western world | political systems | communism | philosophy | travaux preparatoires | cultural diversity | cultural relativism | social surveys | jurisprudence | UN. Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) | UNESCO | debate
  • ART : 23539 : Not available for external loan
    The politics of universal rights claiming : secular and sacred rights claiming in post-revolutionary Tunisia
    Cambridge University Press
    Tunisia | human rights | women | transition to democracy | politics | discourse | social change | human rights universality | subjectivities | social activism | protest | resistance | gender discrimination | religion
    Review of international studies ; vol. 43, no. 3
  • MON : 2017.039 : Not available for external loan
    International human rights law and practice
    Cambridge University
    universal | Europe | Americas | Africa | human rights | international human rights law | jurisprudence | human rights universality | treaties | domestic implementation | law reform | civil society | social movements | NGOs | human rights defenders | lawyer's role | health personnel's role | field work | universal human rights protection system | United Nations | UN treaty bodies | reporting procedures | complaint procedures | judicial decisions | regional human rights protection systems | comparison | freedom from torture | civil and political rights | disappearances | economic, social and cultural rights | state obligations | human rights monitoring | indicators | measurement | collective rights | minority groups | indigenous groups | self-determination | women | economic development | poverty | development aid | corruption | environment | reparations | human rights violations | transitional justice | victims | right to reparation | international criminal justice | international humanitarian law | state agents | non state agents | definitions | counterterrorism | right to life | armed conflict | international intervention | foreign occupations | extraordinary rendition | business corporations | national liberation movements | globalisation | manual
  • ART : 20363 : Not available for external loan
    Global mental health and its discontents : an inquiry into the making of 'global' and 'local' scale
    universal | psychiatry | morality | interventions | altruism | social sciences | community integration | culture | treatment models | human rights universality | politics | cross-cultural aspects | mental health | cultural relativism | diagnosis | treatment | globalisation | mental health services | evidence-based medicine | mental disorders | debate
    Transcultural psychiatry ; vol. 51, no. 6
  • MON : 2014.141 : Not available for external loan
    The endtimes of human rights
    Cornell University
    universal | United States | human rights | human rights universality | power | international relations | politics | religion | belief systems | globalisation | international organisations | International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) | International Criminal Court (ICC) | international courts | legitimacy | effectiveness | ICC