Show record 1 to 9 of 9 from RCT
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  • ART : 31325 : Not available for external loan
    Relief or removal : state logics of deservingness and masculinity for immigrant men in removal proceedings
    deportation proceedings | risk | immigrants, male | rejected asylum seekers, male | sex factors | race | decision making | asylum | masculinities | discourse analysis | attitude of judicial personnel | deportation | United States
    Law and society review ; vol. 56, no. 2
  • ART : 30427 : Not available for external loan
    Different relations of religion and mental health : comparing Middle Eastern Muslim refugee and immigrant adolescents
    Germany | Middle eastern immigrants, male, adolescent | Middle Eastern refugees, male, adolescent | mental health status | coping behaviour | religiosity | comparative study | traumatic exposure | Muslims, male, adolescent | acculturation | social marginalisation | internalising symptoms | cross-sectional study [publication type] | protection factors | psychometrics | Duke University Religion Index | Hopkins Symptom Checklist-37A | Essen Migration Inventory | Child and Adolescent Trauma Screening
    European journal of health psychology ; vol. 29, no. 1
  • ART : 24426 : Not available for external loan
    "I tend to forget bad things" : immigrant and refugee young men's narratives of distress
    Canada | immigrants, male | sick role | mental health | masculinities | narratives | discourse analysis | adolescents, male | emotional trauma | young adult, male | refugees, male
    Health: an interdisciplinary journal for the social study of health, illness and medicine ; vol. 23, no. 6
  • ART : 25507 : Not available for external loan
    'Becoming' a possible threat : masculinity, culture and questioning among unaccompanied young men in Sweden
    Taylor and Francis
    Sweden | immigrants, male | sexual behaviour | Muslims | Arabs | foster home care | father absence | father-child relations | family relations | social identification | sexual harassment | antisocial behaviour | culture | self concept | gender relations | unaccompanied refugee minors, adolescent | masculinities | young adult, male | asylum seekers, male
    Identities: global studies in culture and power ; vol. 26, no. 4
  • ART : 24522 : Not available for external loan
    'Just as Canadian as anyone else'? : experiences of second-class citizenship and the mental health of young immigrant and refugee men in Canada
    Canada | immigrants, male | discrimination | adaptation | refugees, male | young adult | urban areas | mental health | contextual analysis | personal narratives | race | health services utilisation | communication barriers | health promotion | education | unemployment | social stress | acculturation | fear | personal safety
    American journal of men's health ; vol. 12, no. 42
  • ART : 24596 : Not available for external loan
    Masculinity and immigrant health practices : how male Kurdish immigrants to the United States think about and practice health
    Uniwersytet Lodzki, Wydzial Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny, Instytut Socjol
    United States | attitude to health | ethnology | sex factors | men | masculinities | immigrants, male | refugees, male | Kurds, male | acculturation | exile | discourse | family | exercise | food habits | sick role | culture
    Qualitative sociology review ; vol. 14, no. 1
  • ART : 23990 : Not available for external loan
    The physical and mental health problems of refugee and migrant fathers: findings from an Australian population-based study of children and their families
    BMJ Publishing Group
    Australia | psychological stress | cross-sectional studies | self report | body mass index | obesity | alcohol drinking | Australians | comparative study | men | refugees, male | fathers | health status | mental health status | immigrants, male | depression | longitudinal studies | logistic models | socioeconomic factors
    BMJ open ; vol. 7, no. 11
  • MON : 2022.001 : Not available for external loan
    The wherewithal of life : ethics, migration, and the question of well-being
    University of California
    universal | Denmark | Netherlands | United States | migration | personal narratives | refugees, male, young adult | Burkinabe immigrants | Ugandan immigrants | Mexican immigrants | immigrants, male, young adult | anthropology | ethics | ethical dilemmas | determinants of migration | regret | motivation | well-being | adaptation | resettlement
  • ART : 14505 : Not available for external loan
    Risk and protective factors for delinquency among male adolescent immigrants at different stages of the acculturation process
    Taylor and Francis
    Germany | immigrants, male | criminal behaviour | adolescents, male | juvenile delinquency | adolescent development | acculturation | social identification | protective factors | risk factors | family | schools | object attachment | parenting | questionnaires
    International journal of psychology ; vol. 43, no. 1