Show record 1 to 10 of 12 from RCT
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  • ART : 32443 : Not available for external loan
    The mental health effects of changing from insecure to secure visas for refugees
    Australia | legal status effects | asylum seekers | mental health status | uncertainty effects | immigration policy effects | longitudinal study [publication type] | refugees | depression epidemiology | social problems | social determinants of mental health | functioning | postmigration factors | social adjustment | psychometrics | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) | Post-Migration Living Difficulties Checklist
    Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry ; vol. 57, no. 11
  • ART : 32732 : Not available for external loan
    Impact of United States refugee ban and discrimination on the mental health of hypertensive Arabic-speaking refugees
    Frontiers Research Foundation
    social determinants of mental health | Syrian refugees, adult | Iraqi refugees, adult | health status | hypertension | immigration policy effects | family separation effects | antimuslim attitudes | racism effects | stressors | xenophobia effects | communities victimisation | social perception | social discrimination effects | self concept | self-perception | psychological stress | United States
    Frontiers in psychiatry ; vol. 14
  • ART : 32062 : Not available for external loan
    Necroharms : the normalisation and routinisation of social death in refugee camps on the Greek Island of Lesvos
    Taylor and Francis
    Greece | border control | police violence | immigration policy effects | humiliation | inhuman or degrading treatment | social death | refugee camps | immigration detention
    Mortality: promoting the interdisciplinary study of death and dying ; vol. 28, no. 2
  • ART : 32631 : Not available for external loan
    Rings in the water : felt externalisation in the extended EU borderlands
    Taylor and Francis
    Europe | Tunisia | boundaries | border areas | immigration policy effects | politics | developing countries | outsourcing | Zarzis (Tunisia) | violence | death | environment | communities | spaces | human rights violation effects | European Union's role
    Geopolitics ; doi: 10.1080/14650045.2023.2198125
  • ART : 31749 : Not available for external loan
    Humanitarian crisis on the US-Mexico border : mental health needs of refugees and asylum seekers
    asylum seekers | flight | vulnerable populations | homosexuals | immigration policy effects | PTSD | traumatic exposure | mental health status | United States | Guatemala | Honduras | El Salvador
    Current opinion in psychology ; vol. 48
  • ART : 31453 : Not available for external loan
    Uncertainty, existential immobility and well-being: experiences of women seeking asylum in Norway
    immigration policy effects | waiting period | time factors | depression | powerlessness | legal status | mental health status | living conditions | asylum centres | asylum procedure | well-being | uncertainty effects | asylum seekers, female | Norway
    International journal of environmental research and public health ; vol. 19, no. 22
  • ART : 31062 : Not available for external loan
    Missing migrants and the politics of disappearance in armed conflicts and migratory contexts
    Taylor and Francis
    disappearances | genetic testing | biometric identification | genocide | forensic identification | immigration policy effects | armed conflict effects | missing persons | warfare | Guatemala | Bosnia and Herzegovina
    Ethnos: journal of anthropology ; vol. 87, no. 2
  • ART : 30377 : Not available for external loan
    Labour market marginalisation in young refugees and their majority peers in Denmark and Sweden : the role of common mental disorders and secondary school completion
    20120000-20150000 | Denmark | Sweden | refugees, young adult | social marginalisation | employment | access to labour market | cross-national analysis | cross-cultural comparison | Danes, young adult | Swedes, young adult | risk factors | mental health status | mental disorders epidemiology | educational status | postmigration factors | cohort studies | legal status | age factors | immigration policy effects | longitudinal study [publication type]
    PLOS One ; vol. 17, no. 2
  • ART : 32032 : Not available for external loan
    On 'safety' and EU externalization of borders : questioning the role of Tunisia as a 'safe country of origin' and a 'safe third country'
    Tunisia | Europe | border control | outsourcing | refoulement | safe country of origin concept | safe third country concept | Tunisian immigrants | aliens | migration control | asylum seekers | immigration policy effects | European Union's role | politics | human rights status | state of emergency | repression | police abuse | minority groups | violence against women | deportation | arbitrary arrest and detention | UNHCR's role
    European journal of migration and law ; vol. 24, no. 4
  • MON : Electronic resource : Not available for external loan
    Visual methodology in migration studies : new possibilities, theoretical implications, and ethical questions
    Springer Nature
    research methodology | migration | spaces | data interpretation | photographs | video recordings | film | data sources | flight | personal narratives | empowerment | vulnerable populations | representation | Gypsies, youth | asylum seekers | documentary films' role | storytelling | immigration policy effects | immigrants | ethics | interdisciplinary communication | advocacy strategies | universal | Portugal | Southern Europe