Show record 1 to 10 of 79 from RCT
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  • ART : 32694 : Not available for external loan
    Resocialization, gender and the Global South : a critical analysis of the concept through women's experiences in prisons in Peru
    Peru | prisoner rehabilitation definitions | attitude of prisoners | prisoners, female | developing countries | gender aspects | social class | prison conditions | psychological interventions | indigenous groups | imprisonment statistics | penal policy effects | prisoner rehabilitation effectiveness
    Theoretical criminology ; vol. 27, no. 4
  • ART : 32903 : Not available for external loan
    Mass incarceration in times of economic growth and inclusion? Three steps to understand contemporary imprisonment in Brazil
    Brazil | Denmark | Sweden | Norway | determinants of imprisonment | penal policy | socioeconomic factors | economic conditions | social inclusion | judge's role | criminal sentencing | cross-national comparison | imprisonment statistics | postcolonialism | social control | urbanisation | public opinion | bureaucratisation | state building | power | arrest and detention | slavery | unemployment
    Theoretical criminology ; vol. 27, no. 4
  • ART : 31770 : Not available for external loan
    Mental health in prisons in Latin America : the effects of COVID-19
    Central America | South America | criminal justice | imprisonment statistics | determinants | penal policy | prisons statistics | prison overcrowding statistics | developing countries | cross-national comparison | criminal sentencing | war on crime | politics | psychiatric hospital economics | mental health care delivery | mental disorders epidemiology | psychotic disorders epidemiology | prevalence | sex factors | PTSD epidemiology | substance-related disorders epidemiology | prison overcrowding prevention | alternatives to imprisonment | COVID-19 infection epidemiology | prison health care delivery | prison conditions | criminal gangs | prisons | research needs
    Medicine, science and the law ; vol. 63, no. 2
  • MON : 2023.033 : Not available for external loan
    Prisons and imprisonment : an introduction
    Palgrave Macmillan
    universal | United Kingdom | Norway | United States | imprisonment statistics | social hierarchies | masculinities | prisoners, female | resistance | popular culture | human rights protection | prisoner rights | cross-national comparison | alternatives to imprisonment | abolition of prisons | credibility assessment | data sources | researcher-subject relations | data collection | attitude of prisoners | research methodology | research needs | comparative penology | architecture | facility design and construction | institutional culture | prisoner-personnel relations | prison personnel | prison governance | protest | gender aspects | adaptation | prisoner subculture | punishment | debate | prisons | penal policy
  • ART : 32934 : Not available for external loan
    Alternative report to the second periodic review of Brazil before the United Nations Committee against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | imprisonment statistics | penal policy effects | pandemic effects | prisoner statistics | universal jurisdiction | prosecution for torture effectiveness | torture prevention effectiveness | killings | police violence effects | military courts | criminal investigation of torture effectiveness | accountability for torture effectiveness | prison personnel violence | handcuffing adverse effects | pregnant women victimisation | prisoners, female | Blacks, female | violence against women prevention effectiveness | prisoner characteristics | racism | body searches | hunger | food quality | death in custody | prisoner visitation effects | communicable disease control adverse effects | food supply | prison conditions | access to courts | detainee rights | state compliance | domestic implementation | Brazil
    National Agenda for Decarceration | Conectas Human Rights | Justica Global | National Prison Pastoral | World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)
  • TORT : 23.3.2 : Not available for external loan
    Prison overcrowding and ill-treatment: sentence reduction as a reparation measure. A view from Latin America and Europe
    prison overcrowding effects | reparations for torture | ill-treatment | torture definition | state obligations | inhuman treatment | prison conditions | living conditions | prison overcrowding prevention | prisoner release, early | criminal sentencing | case law | prison violence prevention | penal policy effects | imprisonment statistics | prison overcrowding statistics | international legal instruments | regional human rights protection system's role | personal space | CoE. European Court of Human Rights' role | CoE. European Committee For The Prevention Of Torture And Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment | torturing environment | Torturing Environment Scale (TES) | measurement | assessment techniques | Central America | South America
    Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 33, no. 3
  • ART : 31333 : Not available for external loan
    'Children in the prison nursery' : global progress in adopting the Convention on the Rights of the Child in alignment with United Nations minimum standards of care in prisons
    universal | Africa | child rights | prisoners, female statistics | offspring of prisoners, child statistics | prisons | length of stay | national law | mothers | UN. Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners (Nelson Mandela Rules) (2015) | UN. Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners and Non-Custodial Measures for Women Offenders (Bangkok Rules) (2010) | exposure to violence | human rights status | developing countries | review [publication type] | living conditions | state compliance | international legal instruments | domestic implementation | UN. Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) | imprisonment statistics
    Child abuse and neglect ; vol. 134
  • ART : 32959 : Not available for external loan
    NSWCCL submission : United Nations Committee Against Torture : sixth periodic report of Australia
    NSW Council for Civil Liberties
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | immigration detention | length of detention | asylum procedure | indigenous groups victimisation | penal policy | imprisonment statistics | juvenile justice | juvenile detention | prison conditions | arrest and detention | criminal procedure | institutionalised persons | commitment of mentally ill | elderly care homes | disabled persons | domestic implementation | state compliance | Australia
    NSW Council for Civil Liberties
  • ART : 32955 : Not available for external loan
    Ending human rights abuses behind bars : submission on Australia’s state party report to the Committee Against Torture pursuant to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (75th Session)
    Change the Record
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | indigenous groups victimisation | imprisonment statistics | penal policy | determinants of imprisonment | age of criminal responsibility | bail | juvenile justice | criminal sentencing | police accountability | solitary confinement | strip searching | physical restraint techniques | spit hoods | police violence | dogs | prison conditions | facility environment | temperature, hot | prison health care delivery | prisoner characteristics | disabled persons | prison oversight effectiveness | police oversight effectiveness | domestic implementation | state compliance | Australia
    Change The Record | Human Rights Law Centre | National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services (NATSILS)
  • ART : 30934 : Not available for external loan
    Too many to count: Egypt locks up 'terrorists', but won’t say which terror group they belong to
    Economist Newspaper
    repression strategies | political imprisonment statistics | torture allegations | negotiation | politics | impunity | political opposition victimisation | torture methods | death in custody | prison conditions | prisoner treatment | United States
    Economist ; vol. 444, no. 9306