Show record 1 to 10 of 147 from RCT
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  • ART : 32619 : Not available for external loan
    Racializing human rights : political orientation, racial beliefs, and media use as predictors of support for human rights violations - a case study of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
    Taylor and Francis
    attitude to human rights violations | political affiliation | belief systems | race | mass media role | authoritarianism | public opinion | Israelis, adult | child rights | juvenile delinquency | Palestinians, child | human rights promotion effectiveness | Israel | Palestine, State of
    Ethnic and racial studies ; vol. 46, no. 10
  • ART : 31982 : Not available for external loan
    Children who offend in Turkey : the case of the Ankara Child Education Center
    Turkey | juvenile detainees | criminal behaviour | determinants of perpetration | prisoner rehabilitation effectiveness | crimes | juvenile delinquency
    International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology ; doi: 10.1177/0306624X221148123
  • ART : 28533 : Not available for external loan
    ‘I fear only the neighbourhood and the Lord!’ : youth violence in marginalized spaces
    Bulgaria | juvenile delinquency | belief systems | Gypsies, male | urban areas | violence
    European journal of criminology ; vol. 20, no. 1
  • ART : 26565 : Not available for external loan
    Paternal imprisonment and adolescent boys’ charge rates
    Denmark | social effects of imprisonment | comparison | detention, home | aggression | peer group | social control, informal | juvenile delinquency | father-adolescent relations | time factors | father absence | socioeconomic factors | criminal behaviour | offspring, male, adolescent | prisoners, male
    European journal of criminology ; vol. 19, no. 5
  • ART : 32102 : Not available for external loan
    A community-based youth diversion program as an alternative to incarceration, Illinois, 2017-2019
    American Public Health Association
    alternatives to imprisonment effectiveness | juvenile justice | community-based interventions | recidivism prevention | juvenile delinquency | programme evaluation | public health models | United States
    American journal of public health ; vol. 112, no. 9
  • ART : 31204 : Not available for external loan
    Sentencing children for violent extremism : part 1
    universal | Northern Ireland [United Kingdom] | United Kingdom | juvenile delinquency | counterterrorism | attitude to violence | radicalisation to violence | criminal justice | criminal sentencing | international legal instruments | practice guidelines | determinants of perpetration | victim-perpetrators | imprisonment | prisoner rehabilitation | United Nations' role | judicial decisions | case law | Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) | determinants of radicalisation | developed countries | right-wing extremists
    Youth justice ; vol. 22, no. 1
  • ART : 27801 : Not available for external loan
    The predictive validity of three youth violence assessment instruments : the SAVRY, VRS-YV, and SAPROF-YV
    Singapore | children | adolescents | criminal behaviour | forecasting | juvenile delinquency | recidivism | assessment | test validity | violence | risk assessment | Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth (SAVRY) | Violence Risk Scale-Youth Version (VRS-YV) | Structured Assessment of Protective Factors-Youth Version (SAPROF-YV) | protective factors | risk factors | rating scales
    International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology ; vol. 66, no. 2-3
  • ART : 28522 : Not available for external loan
    It’s wrong, but that’s the way it is : youth, violence and justice in north-eastern Brazil
    Brazil | determinants of violence | determinants of perpetration | youth | criminal behaviour | criminal justice | juvenile justice | policing | juvenile delinquency | juvenile detention centres | prison conditions | prisoner violence | urban areas | poverty areas | criminal gangs | drug dealing | criminals, adolescent | violence prevention
    Social and legal studies ; vol. 30, no. 2
  • ART : 28018 : Not available for external loan
    Vulnerable children : protection and social reintegration of child soldiers and youth members of gangs
    universal | child development | exposure to violence | international legal instruments | UN. Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) | CRC | child soldiers | organised crime | criminal gangs | adolescent development | comparative study | risk factors | emotional trauma | preventative interventions | perpetrators | psychological effects of violence | mental health | community integration | combatant rehabilitation | violence prevention | juvenile delinquency | psychosocial interventions | family relations | child rights
    Child abuse and neglect ; vol. 110, part I
  • ART : 24187 : Not available for external loan
    Pathways to offending for young Sudanese Australians
    Australia | Sudanese refugees, male | resettlement | exile | social adjustment | adaptation | youth | violence | criminal behaviour | young adult, male | emotional trauma | war victims | socioeconomic factors | risk-taking | aggression | urban areas | drug dealing | Australians | juvenile delinquency | detention | juvenile justice | educational status | family relations | racial discrimination | parent-child relations | anger | drug use | alcohol drinking | risk factors | protective factors | self-control | premigration factors | postmigration factors | unemployment | social environment | residence characteristics | boredom | PTSD | early experience | antisocial behaviour | cross-cultural comparison | South Sudanese refugees, male | offspring, male | Somali refugees
    Australian and New Zealand journal of criminology ; vol. 51, no. 4