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ART : 07198 : Not available for external loan | |
Doctors and ethics, morals and manuals | |
English | |
19980401 | |
Pellegrino, Edmund D. | Caplan, Arthur | Goold, Susan Dorr | |
United States | commentary [publication type] | editorial [publication type] | code of ethics | medical ethics | health care reform | manuals | patient rights | trust | medical societies | resource allocation | morals | moral obligations | history | |
Annals of internal medicine ; vol. 128, no. 7 | |
ART : 04050 : Not available for external loan | |
Diagnosis, assessment, and comorbidity in psychosocial treatment research | |
English | |
19950200 | |
Achenbach, Thomas M. | |
universal | child psychology | psychotherapy | mental disorders | diagnosis | etiology | comorbidity | achievement | data collection | decision making | logistic models | manuals | psychometrics | standards | research | classification | social adjustment | terminology | |
Journal of abnormal child psychology ; vol. 23, no. 1 | |
ART : 07897 : Not available for external loan | |
Diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder | |
English | |
19870500 | |
Horowitz, Mardi | Weiss, Daniel S. | Marmar, Charles | |
universal | PTSD | diagnosis | life change events | diagnostic validity | stress reactions | manuals | terminology | |
Journal of nervous and mental disease ; vol. 175, no. 5 | |