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ART : 29416 : Not available for external loan | |
Long-term burden of war injuries among civilians in LMICs : case of the July 2006 war in Lebanon | |
English | |
20231208 | |
Frontiers Research Foundation | |
Kobeissi, Elsa | Menassa, Marilyne | Honein-AbouHaidar, Gladys | Achi, Nassim El | Abdul-Sater, Zahi | Farhat, Theresa | Mohtar, Dalia Al | Hajjar, Marwan | Abdul-Khalek, Rima A. | Chaya, Bachar F. | Elamine, Ahmad | Hettiaratchy, Shehan | Abu-Sittah, Ghassan | |
Lebanon | armed conflict effects | developing countries | wounds and injuries | civilian population | developing countries | health services accessibility | long-term effects | health services needs and demand | chronic pain | anxiety | depression | mobility (functioning) | activities of daily living | war-related injuries | quality of life | blast injuries | |
Full text in open access | |
Frontiers in public health ; vol. 11 | |
MON : 2023.095 : Not available for external loan | |
Affect, power, and institutions | |
English | |
20230000 | |
Routledge | |
Churcher, Millicent (ed.) | Calkins, Sandra (ed.) | Böttger, Jandra (ed.) | Slaby, Jan (ed.) | |
978-1-032-30206-5 | |
universal | Germany | Turkey | affect | postmigration aspects | literary criticism | social mobility | education | imagination | migration | information systems | digital technology | journalism | authoritarianism | nationalism | cultural diversity | institutional change effectiveness | organisations | community-institutional relations | bureaucracy | business corporations | politics | cooperative behaviour | resistance | social change | institutional aspects | emotions | |
ART : 31221 : Not available for external loan | |
'How can I have a future?' : the temporal violence of deportation | |
English | |
20220800 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Heidbrink, Lauren | |
rejected asylum seekers, adolescent | personal narratives | family relations | community attitude | self-esteem | humiliation | racism | state violence | immigration detention | violence classification | unaccompanied refugee minors, adolescent | migration | deportation effects | time | mobility | displacement | Mayas, adolescent | indigenous groups, adolescent | deportees, adolescent | United States | Mexico | Guatemala | |
Journal of intercultural studies ; vol. 43, no. 4 | |
ART : 31027 : Not available for external loan | |
Project-think and the fragmentation and defragmentation of civil society in Egypt, Palestine, and Turkey | |
English | |
20220600 | |
Sage | |
Zencirci, Gizem | Herrold, Catherine E. | |
Egypt | Turkey | Palestine, State of | NGOs | bureaucratisation | financial support | career mobility | interinstitutional relations | civil society | NGO personnel | politics | |
Full text (free to in-house users) | |
Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly ; vol. 51, no. 3 | |
ART : 30197 : Not available for external loan | |
Adversities in Syria and their relation to their physical and mental health conditions as Syrian refugees in Turkey | |
English | |
20220300 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Balcilar, Mehmet | Nugent, Jeffrey B. | Xu, Jiahui | |
Syrian Arab Republic | Turkey | Syrian refugees | mental health status | health status | premigration factors | traumatic exposure | war victims | death | family members | destruction of property | income | sex factors | life change events classification | chronic disease | mental disorders | mobility (functioning) | armed conflict effects | violence effects | war victims, adult | |
Scottish journal of political economy ; vol. 69, no. 1 | |
ART : 32216 : Not available for external loan | |
After Oslo : the endless dematerialized borders of the prison web | |
English | |
20220000 | |
Palgrave Macmillan | |
Abdallah, Stéphanie Latte | |
Israel | Palestinian Territory, Occupied | military justice | imprisonment effects | repression strategies | data collection | prisons | social mobility | prisoner release | postincarceration aspects | politics | |
A history of confinement in Palestine: the prison web. - ISBN: 978-3-031-08708-0 | |
ART : 30748 : Not available for external loan | |
Migration shocks and housing : short-run impact of the Syrian refugee crisis in Jordan | |
English | |
20210900 | |
Elsevier | |
Alhawarin, Ibrahim | Assaad, Ragui | Elsayed, Ahmed | |
Jordan | migration effects | population dynamics | immigration effects | urban areas | residential mobility | educational status | socioeconomic factors | poverty | standard of living | refugee reception | Syrian refugees | cost of living | economics | host countries | housing | |
Journal of housing economics ; vol. 53 | |
ART : 28383 : Not available for external loan | |
Using a mobile app when surveying highly mobile populations : panel attrition, consent, and interviewer effects in a survey of refugees | |
English | |
20210800 | |
Sage | |
Jacobsen, Jannes | Kühne, Simon | |
Germany | research methodology | population surveillance | research subjects | dropouts | missing data | mobility | information quality | informed consent | interviewing | refugees | mobile phone applications | research ethics | data collection methods | communication technology | |
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Social science computer review ; vol. 39, no. 4 | |
ART : 30363 : Not available for external loan | |
Book forum : working with Veena Das's 'Textures of the Ordinary: Anthropology after Wittgenstein | |
English | |
20210600 | |
Berghahn | |
Segal, Lotte Buch | Zabiliūtė, Emilija | Motta, Marco | Cruz, Resto | Jefferson, Andrew M. | |
violence | research | debate | anthropology | Das, Veena | politics | esthetics | activities of daily living | interpersonal relations | ethics | conflict | ethnographic methods | knowledge transfer | research methodology | terminology | meaning | poverty | urban areas | social activism | contextual aspects | social mobility | international cooperation | mentorship | field work | Wittgenstein, Ludwig | writing | kinship | family | violence representation | knowledge production | DIGNITY staff publications | universal | India | Palestine, State of | Philippines | United Kingdom | Sierra Leone | Haiti | |
Full text | |
Conflict and society : advances in research [vol. 3, 2017] / Erella Grassiani, Alexander Horstmann, Lotte Buch Segal, Ronald S. Stade, Atreyee Sen (eds.) - ISBN: 9781785337925 | |
ART : 25569 : Not available for external loan | |
Social networks and mobility in time and space : integration processes of Burmese Karen resettled refugees in Sweden | |
English | |
20210300 | |
Oxford University Press | |
Suter, Brigitte | |
Sweden | Burmese refugees | resettlement | adaptation | social adjustment | risk factors | social capital | personal characteristics | premigration factors | educational status | social networks | sociocultural factors | mobility | |
Journal of refugee studies ; vol. 34, no. 1 | |