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  • ART : 32594 : Not available for external loan
    Organized violence 1989–2022, and the return of conflict between states
    19890000-20220000 | violence epidemiology | armed conflict effects | organised violence | mortality trends | civilian population victimisation | universal
    Journal of peace research ; vol. 60, no. 4
  • ART : 30816 : Not available for external loan
    Russia's war in Ukraine : the devastation of health and human rights
    Massachusetts Medical Society
    foreign occupation | warfare | civilian population victimisation | humanitarian aid | internally displaced persons statistics | Ukrainian refugees statistics | mortality trends | wounds and injuries | health care delivery | health personnel victimisation | communicable diseases epidemiology | malnutrition | commentary [publication type] | sexual abuse | war crimes | environmental damage | mental health status | reproductive health | child victimisation | Ukraine | Russian Federation
    New England journal of medicine ; vol. 387, no. 2
  • ART : 26604 : Not available for external loan
    A COVID‐19 crisis in US jails and prisons
    United States | pandemics | commentary [publication type] | social isolation | ethnicity | prison overcrowding | mortality trends | infection statistics | chronic disease | vulnerable populations | health policy | criminal justice | race | health disparities | COVID-19 diagnostic testing | prison overcrowding | social distancing | communicable disease control | detention centres | prisons
    Cancer cytopathology ; vol. 128, no. 8
  • ART : 26646 : Not available for external loan
    Africa, prisons and COVID-19
    Oxford University Press
    human rights monitoring | torture prevention | prison oversight | prisons | pandemics | prison conditions | communicable disease control | access to prisons | prisoner release, early, statistics | prison reform | prisoner statistics | pre-trial detainees | prison overcrowding | criminal justice | public health | postcolonialism | mortality trends | cross-national comparison | prisoner visitation | emergencies | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Optional Protocol (2002) | OPCAT | UNCAT-OP | visiting mechanisms | ratification status | Southern Africa | Eastern Africa
    Journal of human rights practice ; vol. 12, no. 2
  • ART : 29230 : Not available for external loan
    Retrospective analysis of 172 cases of custodial deaths in China between 1999 and 2016 : forensic experience in China
    19990000-20160000 | death in custody statistics | retrospective study [publication type] | sex distribution | prisoners | detainees | suicide | accidents | killings | cardiovascular diseases | age distribution | forensic pathology | mortality trends | prison conditions | China
    International journal of legal medicine ; vol. 134, no. 4
  • ART : 25904 : Not available for external loan
    Human rights activism and salafi-jihadi violence
    Taylor and Francis
    advocacy | discourse analysis | Muslims | mortality trends | antitorture movement | rights-based approach | human rights defenders | imperialism | political ideologies | attitude to torture | warfare | detainees | extrajudicial executions | protest | NGO approaches | al Qaeda | politics | debate | human rights campaigns | legal aid | terrorists | war on terror | universal | United Kingdom | Pakistan | United States
    International journal of human rights ; vol. 23, no. 5
  • ART : 29825 : Not available for external loan
    Association of exposure to violence and potential traumatic events with self-reported physical and mental health status in the Central African Republic
    American Medical Association
    Central African Republic | exposure to violence | exposure to warfare | armed conflict effects | civilian population | traumatic exposure effects | war victims, adult | health status | mental health status | mortality trends | household surveys | life change events | human security | depression epidemiology | anxiety epidemiology | health surveys | prevalence | civil war | health services utilisation | somatic symptoms | comorbidity | psychometrics | Hopkins Symptom Checklist
    JAMA : the journal of the American Medical Association ; vol. 304, no. 5
  • ART : 11046 : Not available for external loan
    Estonia 1989-2000 : enormous increase in mortality differences by education
    Oxford University Press
    19890000-20000000 | Estonia | transition to democracy | debate | mortality trends | death cause | cross-sectional studies | educational status | epidemiology | life expectancy | age distribution
    International journal of epidemiology ; vol. 32, no. 6