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  • ART : 28473 : Not available for external loan
    Traumatic brain injury and forensic evaluations : three case studies of U.S. asylum-seekers
    forensic evaluation of torture | asylum seekers | case report [publication type] | brain injuries, traumatic etiology | medical documentation of torture | neurological effects of torture | memory disorders | cognition disorders | brain injuries, traumatic effects | epilepsy, post-traumatic etiology | torture victims | domestic violence victims | neurologic examination | neuropsychological tests | physical abuse effects | post-concussion syndrome | PTSD etiology | United States | Honduras | Uganda
    Journal of forensic and legal medicine ; vol. 79
  • ART : 28112 : Not available for external loan
    Forensic evaluation of alleged wrist restraint/handcuff injuries in survivors of torture utilizing the Istanbul Protocol
    forensic evaluation of torture | Istanbul Protocol | shackling | physical torture methods | physical restraint | physical effects of torture | wrist injuries | medical documentation of torture | physical examination | torture method-effect correlation | practice patterns, medical | torture victims | scaphoid fractures | radial fractures | median neuropathy | ulnar nerve compression syndromes | neurological effects of torture | compression neuropathy | compartment syndromes | skin manifestations | diagnosis | asylum proceedings | asylum seekers | United States
    International journal of legal medicine ; vol. 135, no. 2
  • TORT : 21.3.9 : Not available for external loan
    Torture by administration of electric shocks : the case of PG
    torture methods | electric torture | case report [publication type] | torture effects | keloid | wounds and injuries | skin injuries | scars | forensic evaluation of torture | neurological effects of torture | musculoskeletal symptoms | medical history taking | Northern Africa | United States
    Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 31, no. 3
  • ART : 24370 : Not available for external loan
    The neuropsychological consequences of armed conflicts and torture
    torture | asylum seekers | refugees | mental disorders | morbidity | rape | sexual torture | victimhood | long-term effects | chronic disease | health services accessibility | war victims | torture victims | physical effects | cognitive therapy | narrative exposure therapy | psychotherapy | drug therapy | victim services | torture victims treatment | review [publication type] | psychotic disorders | anxiety | depression | PTSD | stress disorders, traumatic, acute | head injuries | neurological effects of torture | psychological effects of torture | warfare | universal
    Current neurology and neuroscience reports ; vol. 18
  • ART : 12417 : Not available for external loan
    Shaken adult syndrome revisited
    Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    death under torture | letter | death in custody | detainees | wounds and injuries | shaking [torture method] | shaken adult syndrome | interrogation techniques | neurological effects of torture | torture methods | brain injuries | Palestinians, male | thoracic injuries | retinal hemorrhage | contusions | etiology | forensic evaluation of torture | forensic pathology | case report [publication type] | Israel
    American journal of forensic medicine and pathology ; vol. 24, no. 3
  • TORT : 92.suppl.1.6 : Not available for external loan
    The neurological evaluation of torture victims
    medical documentation of torture | peripheral nerve injuries | bone fractures | suspension [torture method] | neurological effects of torture | beatings | back | psychological stress | medical history taking | spinal cord injuries | nerve injuries | torture effects | brain injuries | neurologic examination | universal
    Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; suppl. 1
  • MON : 1990.158 : Not available for external loan
    Myanmar : in the national interest : prisoners of conscience, torture, summary trials under martial law
    Amnesty International
    human rights violations | denial | national law | freedom from torture | torture allegations | abduction | forced labour | death in custody | death under torture | withholding medical treatment | amnesia | psychological effects of torture | neurological effects of torture | torture effects | electric torture | cases | military facilities | urban areas | rural areas | solitary confinement | sleep deprivation [torture method] | torture method terminology | torture methods | torture purposes | prison conditions | torture patterns | incommunicado detention | detention centres | Ye Kyi Aing camp (Burma) | interrogation centres | torturer characteristics | police | minority groups | extrajudicial executions | summary executions | counterinsurgencies | torture victim characteristics | medical doctors victimisation | Insein prison (Burma) | political opposition | cases | armed forces | intelligence services | political detainees | criminal procedure | arrest procedures | limitation of rights and freedoms | freedom of association | military government | repression strategies | mass killings | political opposition | death penalty | political violence | data collection | family members | fear | state terror | elections | non state agents | state agents | resistance movements | agents responsible for violations | forced labour | abduction | minority groups | ethnic conflict | police violence | commission of inquiry | impunity | prisoner transport | prison conditions | death in custody | coup d'etat | Myanmar
    Amnesty International (AI)
  • MON : 1990.166 : Not available for external loan
    Medical aspects of torture : torture types and their relation and symptoms and lesions in 200 victims, followed by a description of the medical profession in relation to torture : a monograph
    torture methods | health care quality | death in custody | communication with family members | prisoner visitation | food deprivation | torture method prevalence | solitary confinement | prison conditions | vagina | rape | sexual torture | torture by light | strangulation | submarino, dry [torture method] | submarino, wet [torture method] | asphyxia | climatic stress [torture method] | standing position [torture method] | positional torture | exhaustion exercises | suspension [torture method] | hair pulling | nails | foreign body insertion | electric torture | temperature, hot | burning [torture method] | falls, forced | head banging against the wall | telefono [torture method] | torture method terminology (Spanish) | falanga [torture method] | torture patterns | beatings | combined modality torture | multiple traumatic events | classification | torture victims | data collection | torture victims treatment | doctor's role | antitorture movement | medical participation in torture | torture syndrome | exile | refugees | forensic dentistry | ophthalmological symptoms | otolaryngological symptoms | gynecological examination | genital injuries | urologic symptoms | forensic psychiatry | neurological effects of torture | musculoskeletal symptoms | gastrointestinal symptoms | cardiopulmonary symptoms | dermatological symptoms | prison conditions | psychological torture | forensic evaluation of torture | torture allegations | ill-treatment | physical torture | diagnostic techniques and procedures | physical examination | wounds and injuries | signs and symptoms | psychological effects of torture | physical effects of torture | academic dissertation [publication type] | medical documentation of torture | torture method-effect correlation | Denmark | universal
  • MON : 1985.062 : Not available for external loan
    Evidence of torture : studies by the Amnesty International Danish Medical Group
    Amnesty International
    torture prevention | galvanic skin response | experimentation | pain measurement | pain threshold | pain perception | acute pain devices | time factors | burns, thermal | burns, electrical | scars | labour camps | abduction | Uruguayan refugees | etiology | crossnational analysis | medical evidence of torture | comparison | KZ-syndrome | torture syndrome | bone fractures | skin injuries | falanga [torture method] | joint disorders | gait disorders | hearing disorders | interpreters | psychological assessment | physical examination | paranoid disorders | irritable mood | emotional control | perception | somatosensory disorders | lethargy | foot injuries | hip injuries | paresis | neurological effects of torture | back pain | cardiopulmonary symptoms | weight loss | torture method-effect correlation | head injuries | time factors | solitary confinement | sexual disorders | attention | memory disorders | headache | sleep disorders | depression | communication disorders | anxiety | psychological effects of torture | mental disorders | torture effects | comparative study [publication type] | sexual torture | electric torture | torture allegations | torture methods | toilet deprivation | temperature, cold | torture method terminology (Spanish) | submarino, wet [torture method] | torture by light | water torture | suspension [torture method] | dental torture | pharmacological torture | witnessing torture | threats to family members | drink deprivation | food deprivation | buried alive [torture method] | excrement abuse [torture method] | nail removal [torture method] | positional torture | burning [torture method] | death threats | beatings | former political detainees | Greeks | Chilean refugees | prisoner treatment | drug administration, non-therapeutic | psychiatric abuse | forensic evaluation of torture | organisation and administration | antitorture movement | Genefke, Inge Kemp | publishing | moral obligations | antitorture research | Amnesty International Danish Medical Group | medical evidence of torture | medical fact-finding missions | medical participation in torture | public opinion | information disclosure | NGO approaches | international human rights law | advocacy | medical doctor's role | Chile | Greece | Uruguay | Argentina | Cyprus | universal
    Amnesty International. Danish Medical Group (ed)
  • ART : 01806 : Not available for external loan
    Torture : a study of Chilean and Greek victims
    Amnesty International
    forensic evaluation of torture | medical evidence of torture | etiology | crossnational analysis | medical evidence of torture | comparison | KZ-syndrome | torture syndrome | bone fractures | skin injuries | falanga [torture method] | joint disorders | gait disorders | hearing disorders | interpreters | psychological assessment | physical examination | paranoid disorders | irritable mood | emotional control | perception | somatosensory disorders | lethargy | foot injuries | hip injuries | paresis | neurological effects of torture | back pain | cardiopulmonary symptoms | weight loss | torture method-effect correlation | head injuries | time factors | solitary confinement | sexual disorders | attention | memory disorders | headache | sleep disorders | depression | communication disorders | anxiety | psychological effects of torture | mental disorders | torture effects | comparative study [publication type] | sexual torture | electric torture | torture allegations | torture methods | torture by light | water torture | suspension [torture method] | dental torture | pharmacological torture | witnessing torture | threats to family members | drink deprivation | food deprivation | buried alive [torture method] | excrement abuse [torture method] | nail removal [torture method] | positional torture | burning [torture method] | death threats | beatings | former political detainees | Chilean refugees | prisoner treatment | drug administration, non-therapeutic | Greeks | forensic evaluation of torture | Chile | Greece | Denmark
    Evidence of torture : studies by the Amnesty International Danish Medical Group / Amnesty International. Danish Medical Group