Show record 1 to 10 of 13 from RCT
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  • MON : 2005.191 : Not available for external loan
    Physical medicine and rehabilitation : principles and practice, vol. II: Rehabilitation medicine
    Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    universal | disability evaluation | rehabilitation medicine | activities of daily living | transplantation | low vision | burns | respiratory therapy | cardiac rehabilitation | HIV/AIDS | neoplasms | multiple sclerosis | spinal cord injuries | brain injuries | stroke rehabilitation | intestinal diseases | urinary bladder, neurogenic | sexuality | women | elderly | disabled persons | children | fibromyalgia | hypokinesia | physical restraint | movement disorders | muscle spasticity | gait disorders | shoes | orthotic devices | self-help devices | technology | wheelchairs | nutrition | emergency medicine | drug therapy | quality of life | outcome assessment (health care) | classification | measurement | clinical ethics | vocational rehabilitation | referral and consultation | patient care team | hearing disorders | deglutition disorders | communication barriers | speech therapy | psychology
  • ART : 07804 : Not available for external loan
    Effect of antipronation tape and temporary orthotic on vertical navicular height before and after exercise
    Williams and Wilkins
    universal | leg injuries | therapy | pronation | ankle | physiopathology | ankle injuries | foot injuries | physiotherapy | orthotic devices | tarsal bones
    Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy ; vol. 30, no. 6
  • ART : 07837 : Not available for external loan
    Biomechanical analysis of the effect of orthotic shoe inserts : a review of the literature
    universal | biomechanical phenomena | evaluation studies | exercise | running | cumulative trauma disorders | foot | physiopathology | orthotic devices | shoes
    Sports medicine ; vol. 29, no. 6
  • ART : 07794 : Not available for external loan
    Lumbar spinal stenosis : conservative or surgical management? : a prospective 10-year study
    Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    Norway | spinal stenosis | diagnostic imaging | back pain | treatment outcome | time factors | prospective studies | patient dropouts | follow-up studies | activities of daily living | radiography | orthotic devices | prognosis | neurologic examination | lumbar vertebrae | surgical procedures | rehabilitation
    Spine ; vol. 25, no. 11
  • ART : 07757 : Not available for external loan
    Posterior tibial tendon dysfunction
    Williams and Wilkins
    United States | musculoskeletal diseases | flatfoot | etiology | physiopathology | treatment | tendons | radiography | classification | diagnosis, differential | orthotic devices | physical examination
    Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy; vol. 30, no. 2
  • ART : 07529 : Not available for external loan
    Effects of a thermoplastic foot orthosis on patellofemoral pain in a collegiate athlete : a single-subject design
    United States | knee injuries | physiopathology | rehabilitation | pain measurement | range of motion, articular | arthralgia | sports injuries | femur injuries | patella injuries | orthotic devices
    Journal of orthopaedic and sports physical therapy ; vol. 29, no. 6
  • ART : 05408 : Not available for external loan
    An integrated therapy for peripartum pelvic instability : a study of the biomechanical effects of pelvic belts
    Turkey | joint instability | pelvis | puerperal disorders | sacroiliac joint | physiopathology | therapy | orthotic devices | rotation
    American journal of obstetrics and gynecology ; vol. 166, no. 4
  • ART : 07633 : Not available for external loan
    The foot function index: a measure of foot pain and disability
    United States | disability evaluation | foot diseases | foot deformities, acquired | diagnosis | pain | physiopathology | self-assessment | locomotion | rheumatology | activities of daily living | factor analysis, statistical | orthotic devices | pain measurement
    Journal of clinical epidemiology ; vol. 44, no. 6
  • ART : 01026 : Not available for external loan
    Foot orthoses
    United States | health | ankle joint | review [publication type] | foot diseases | therapy | joint diseases | orthotic devices | shoes | health
    Physical therapy ; vol. 68, no. 12
  • ART : 00880 : Not available for external loan
    A prospective study of the effect of a shock-absorbing orthotic device on the incidence of stress fractures in military recruits
    universal | orthotic devices | bone fractures | etiology | mechanical stress | military personnel | shoes | prospective studies
    Foot and ankle ; vol. 6, no. 2