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ART : 32954 : Not available for external loan | |
NGOs information to the UN Committee against Torture for consideration of the fourth periodic report of Slovakia | |
English | |
20230320 | |
UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights | |
UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | disabled persons | mentally disabled persons | human rights protection effectiveness | torture definition | institutionalised persons | living conditions | physical restraint | degrading treatment criminalisation | social care homes | elderly care homes | commitment of mentally ill | patient rights | palliative care | domestic implementation | state compliance | Slovakia | |
Full text (via OHCHR) | |
Forum for Human Rights (FORUM) | Social Work Advisory Board (RPSP) | SOCIA – Social Reform Foundation (SOCIA) | Liga za duševné zdravie (League for Mental Health) | Nezávislá platforma SocioFórum (Independent Platform SocioForum) | Združenie na pomoc ľuďom s mentálnym postihnutím v SR (The Association for Help to People With Intellectual Disabilitie in The Slovak Republic) | Inštitút pre vzdelávanie v paliatívnej medicíne (Institute for Education in Palliative Medicine) | |
ART : 28400 : Not available for external loan | |
Providing ethical and humane care to hospitalized, incarcerated patients with COVID-19 | |
English | |
20210600 | |
Sage | |
Rorvig, Leah | Williams, Brie | |
United States | pandemics | prisoners | hospitalisation | death and dying | prisoner rights | patient rights | decision making | prisoner visitation | patient advocacy | nursing ethics | attitude of health personnel | palliative care | terminal care | vulnerable populations | |
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American journal of hospice and palliative care ; vol. 38, no. 6 | |
MON : 2020.079 : Not available for external loan | |
Monitoring health in places of detention : an overview for health professionals | |
English | |
20200900 | |
DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture | |
Bergh, Brenda van den | Michaelsen, Lisa | Brasholt, Marie | Modvig, Jens | |
9788793675261 | |
human right monitoring | DIGNITY publications | medical documentation of torture | death in custody | prison personnel violence | offspring, child | prisoners, female | oral health | substance-related disorders | communicable diseases | health status | suicide | self-injurious behaviour | mental health status | prisoners | physical restraint | urine specimen collection | coercion | body searches | solitary confinement | living conditions | nutrition | prison conditions | hygiene | risk factors | palliative care | disease prevention | health promotion | hunger strikes | medication systems | medical records | torture allegations | moral dilemmas | prison health personnel's role | medical ethics | prison health care evaluation mechanisms | health care disparities | prison health services accessibility | prison health care quality | follow-up | interviewing | note-taking | organisation and administration | data collection methods | medical doctor's role | fact-finding missions | detention centres | prisons | prison oversight | universal | |
MON : 2020.064 : Not available for external loan | |
Det du ikke ved får patienten ondt af : tværkulturel klinik og kommunikation i mødet med etniske minoritetspatienter | |
Danish | |
20200000 | |
Morten Sodemann | |
Sodemann, Morten | |
9788797268308 | |
Denmark | universal | health care delivery | immigrants, female | refugees, female | sexual behaviour | cultural competency | palliative care | medication adherence | drug therapy | suicide | psychotic symptoms | depression | therapy | somatic symptoms | diagnostic errors | somatoform disorders | symptoms | pain | social stigma | interpreters | stereotyping | language | social isolation | PTSD | mental health status | chronic disease | family | offspring | intergenerational aspects | definitions | medical history taking | medical doctor's role | risk factors | health status | communication barriers | cross-cultural aspects | immigrants | refugees | |
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ART : 25131 : Not available for external loan | |
Access to pain management as a human right | |
English | |
20190100 | |
American Public Health Association | |
Brennan, Frank | Lohman, Diederik | Gwyther, Liz | |
United States | universal | pain management | politics | analgesics, opioid | health care costs | socioeconomic factors | drugs | palliative care | chronic pain | acute pain | state obligations | international instruments | standards | World Health Organization (WHO) | United Nations | health services accessibility | review [publication type] | human rights | |
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American journal of public health ; vol. 109, no. 1 | |
ART : 22955 : Not available for external loan | |
Palliative care and human rights in patient care : an Armenia case study | |
20170807 | |
BioMed Central | |
Barros de Luca, Gabriela | Zopunyan, Violeta | Burke-Shyne, Naomi | Papikyan, Anahit | Amiryan, Davit | |
Armenia | patient rights | palliative care | human rights | health care delivery | state obligations | inhuman treatment | ECHR-3 | international human rights law | withholding treatment | pain management | analgesics, opioid | |
Full text in open access | |
Public health reviews ; vol. 38 | |
MON : 2020.071 : Not available for external loan | |
Social death : questioning the life-death boundary | |
English | |
20170000 | |
Routledge | |
Kralova, Jana | Walter, Tony | |
9781138205307 | |
universal | Israel | Sweden | Romania | United Kingdom | death and dying | arts | religiosity | dementia | body | cross-national analysis | well-being | social networks | social identification | bereavement | memorialisation | suicide | loneliness | palliative care | elderly | |
MON : 2016.350 : Not available for external loan | |
Lærebog i massage | |
Danish | |
20160000 | |
Munksgaard | |
Linde, Nanna (ed.) | |
978-87-628-1493-6 | |
Denmark | universal | physical examination | decision making | massage | adverse effects | goals | physiotherapy | physiology | psychology | teaching materials | manual | treatment | inflammation | nervous system | treatment outcome | pain management | fibromyalgia | muscle tonus | myofascial pain syndromes | hand strength | trigger points | symptoms | palliative care | patients | |
MON : 2016.355 : Not available for external loan | |
Putting prevention into practice : 10 years on : the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture | |
English | |
20160000 | |
APT | |
9782940597024 | |
universal | United Kingdom | Costa Rica | Ukraine | Serbia | France | Indonesia | Georgia | Senegal | Uruguay | Paraguay | Croatia | Morocco | New Zealand | Brazil | Mali | Switzerland | Norway | prison reform | universal human rights protection system | advocacy | government policy | NPMs | national institutions | palliative care | patient rights | detention centres | UN. Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment | UN. Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment Optional Protocol (2002) | international instruments | OPCAT | UNCAT-OP | UN treaty bodies | treaties | civil society's role | children in conflict with the law | immigration detention centres | juvenile detention centres | prison conditions | prison personnel | disabled persons | attitude | vulnerable populations | health services | mentally ill | parliament's role | suicide | judge's role | social change | data collection | human rights monitoring | torture prevention | |
Full text (via APT) all available languages | |
Association for the Prevention of Torture | APT | |
ART : 19469 : Not available for external loan | |
Social support for South Asian Muslim parents with life-limiting illness living in Scotland : a multiperspective qualitative study | |
English | |
20140206 | |
BMJ Publishing Group | |
Gaveras, Eleni Margareta | Kristiansen, Maria | Worth, Allison | Irshad, Tasneem | Sheikh, Aziz | |
United Kingdom | ethnic and national groups | religious groups | Muslims | palliative care | parents | family | health services accessibility | health services needs and demand | attitude to death | social support | culture | |
Full text in open access | |
BMJ open ; vol. 4, no. 2 | |