Show record 1 to 10 of 25 from RCT
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  • ART : 32954 : Not available for external loan
    NGOs information to the UN Committee against Torture for consideration of the fourth periodic report of Slovakia
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | disabled persons | mentally disabled persons | human rights protection effectiveness | torture definition | institutionalised persons | living conditions | physical restraint | degrading treatment criminalisation | social care homes | elderly care homes | commitment of mentally ill | patient rights | palliative care | domestic implementation | state compliance | Slovakia
    Forum for Human Rights (FORUM) | Social Work Advisory Board (RPSP) | SOCIA – Social Reform Foundation (SOCIA) | Liga za duševné zdravie (League for Mental Health) | Nezávislá platforma SocioFórum (Independent Platform SocioForum) | Združenie na pomoc ľuďom s mentálnym postihnutím v SR (The Association for Help to People With Intellectual Disabilitie in The Slovak Republic) | Inštitút pre vzdelávanie v paliatívnej medicíne (Institute for Education in Palliative Medicine)
  • ART : 28400 : Not available for external loan
    Providing ethical and humane care to hospitalized, incarcerated patients with COVID-19
    United States | pandemics | prisoners | hospitalisation | death and dying | prisoner rights | patient rights | decision making | prisoner visitation | patient advocacy | nursing ethics | attitude of health personnel | palliative care | terminal care | vulnerable populations
    American journal of hospice and palliative care ; vol. 38, no. 6
  • MON : 2020.079 : Not available for external loan
    Monitoring health in places of detention : an overview for health professionals
    DIGNITY - Danish Institute Against Torture
    human right monitoring | DIGNITY publications | medical documentation of torture | death in custody | prison personnel violence | offspring, child | prisoners, female | oral health | substance-related disorders | communicable diseases | health status | suicide | self-injurious behaviour | mental health status | prisoners | physical restraint | urine specimen collection | coercion | body searches | solitary confinement | living conditions | nutrition | prison conditions | hygiene | risk factors | palliative care | disease prevention | health promotion | hunger strikes | medication systems | medical records | torture allegations | moral dilemmas | prison health personnel's role | medical ethics | prison health care evaluation mechanisms | health care disparities | prison health services accessibility | prison health care quality | follow-up | interviewing | note-taking | organisation and administration | data collection methods | medical doctor's role | fact-finding missions | detention centres | prisons | prison oversight | universal
  • MON : 2020.064 : Not available for external loan
    Det du ikke ved får patienten ondt af : tværkulturel klinik og kommunikation i mødet med etniske minoritetspatienter
    Morten Sodemann
    Denmark | universal | health care delivery | immigrants, female | refugees, female | sexual behaviour | cultural competency | palliative care | medication adherence | drug therapy | suicide | psychotic symptoms | depression | therapy | somatic symptoms | diagnostic errors | somatoform disorders | symptoms | pain | social stigma | interpreters | stereotyping | language | social isolation | PTSD | mental health status | chronic disease | family | offspring | intergenerational aspects | definitions | medical history taking | medical doctor's role | risk factors | health status | communication barriers | cross-cultural aspects | immigrants | refugees
  • ART : 25131 : Not available for external loan
    Access to pain management as a human right
    American Public Health Association
    United States | universal | pain management | politics | analgesics, opioid | health care costs | socioeconomic factors | drugs | palliative care | chronic pain | acute pain | state obligations | international instruments | standards | World Health Organization (WHO) | United Nations | health services accessibility | review [publication type] | human rights
    American journal of public health ; vol. 109, no. 1
  • ART : 22955 : Not available for external loan
    Palliative care and human rights in patient care : an Armenia case study
    BioMed Central
    Armenia | patient rights | palliative care | human rights | health care delivery | state obligations | inhuman treatment | ECHR-3 | international human rights law | withholding treatment | pain management | analgesics, opioid
    Public health reviews ; vol. 38
  • MON : 2020.071 : Not available for external loan
    Social death : questioning the life-death boundary
    universal | Israel | Sweden | Romania | United Kingdom | death and dying | arts | religiosity | dementia | body | cross-national analysis | well-being | social networks | social identification | bereavement | memorialisation | suicide | loneliness | palliative care | elderly
  • MON : 2016.350 : Not available for external loan
    Lærebog i massage
    Denmark | universal | physical examination | decision making | massage | adverse effects | goals | physiotherapy | physiology | psychology | teaching materials | manual | treatment | inflammation | nervous system | treatment outcome | pain management | fibromyalgia | muscle tonus | myofascial pain syndromes | hand strength | trigger points | symptoms | palliative care | patients
  • MON : 2016.355 : Not available for external loan
    Putting prevention into practice : 10 years on : the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture
    universal | United Kingdom | Costa Rica | Ukraine | Serbia | France | Indonesia | Georgia | Senegal | Uruguay | Paraguay | Croatia | Morocco | New Zealand | Brazil | Mali | Switzerland | Norway | prison reform | universal human rights protection system | advocacy | government policy | NPMs | national institutions | palliative care | patient rights | detention centres | UN. Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment | UN. Convention Against Torture And Other Cruel Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment Optional Protocol (2002) | international instruments | OPCAT | UNCAT-OP | UN treaty bodies | treaties | civil society's role | children in conflict with the law | immigration detention centres | juvenile detention centres | prison conditions | prison personnel | disabled persons | attitude | vulnerable populations | health services | mentally ill | parliament's role | suicide | judge's role | social change | data collection | human rights monitoring | torture prevention
    Association for the Prevention of Torture | APT
  • ART : 19469 : Not available for external loan
    Social support for South Asian Muslim parents with life-limiting illness living in Scotland : a multiperspective qualitative study
    BMJ Publishing Group
    United Kingdom | ethnic and national groups | religious groups | Muslims | palliative care | parents | family | health services accessibility | health services needs and demand | attitude to death | social support | culture
    BMJ open ; vol. 4, no. 2