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ART : 29477 : Not available for external loan | |
Sequelae of torture | |
English | |
20030000 | |
Springer | |
Vogel, H. | |
forensic evaluation of torture | physical effects of torture | torture effects | torture method-effect correlation | diagnostic techniques and procedures | radiology | falanga [torture method] | electric torture | wounds and injuries | gunshot wounds | explosive agent wounds | toe screws effects | palmatoria [torture method] | torture instruments | lotus foot | diagnostic imaging | medical documentation of torture | knee-capping | bone fractures | edema | scintigraphy | beatings | hematoma | foot injuries | necrosis | magnetic resonance imaging | universal | |
Imaging of the foot and ankle: techniques and applications. (Medical radiology book series) / A. Mark Davies, Richard William Whitehouse, Jeremy P. R. Jenkins (eds.) – ISBN: 978-3-642-63950-0 | |