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ART : 31586 : Not available for external loan | |
The important role of mothers during displacement : direct and indirect effects of the refugee context on Syrian refugee children's mental health | |
English | |
20231218 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Popham, Cassandra M. | McEwen, Fiona S. | Karam, Elie | Pluess, Michael | |
Lebanon | Syrian refugees, female | parenting | mother-child relations | offspring, child | mothers | developing countries | parental mental health | mental health status | risk factors | postmigration factors | contextual factors | cross-sectional study [publication type] | longitudinal studies | PTSD | depression, major | child mental health | child development | psychometrics | Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire | externalising symptoms | War Events Questionnaire (WEQ) | Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support for Arab American Adolescents | Child Report of Parent Behavior Inventory | ISPCAN Child Abuse Screening Tool | Center for Epidemiologic Studies Short Depression Scale | Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale | PTSD checklist for DSM-5 | |
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Child development ; doi: 10.1111/cdev.14055 | |
ART : 26844 : Not available for external loan | |
Intergenerational trauma, dependency, and detachment | |
English | |
20230900 | |
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins | |
Kravić, Nermina | Spiel, Shira | Szymanski, Kate | Bornstein, Robert | |
United States | traumatic exposure effects | intergenerational effects | parental mental health effects | dependency (psychology) | Americans, young adult | interpersonal relations | psychometrics | Stressful Life Events Screening Questionnaire | Relationship Profile Test | Caregiver Stressful Life Events Screening Questionnaire | Rorschach Oral Dependency Scale | |
Journal of nervous and mental disease ; vol. 211, no. 9 | |
ART : 30415 : Not available for external loan | |
The role of maternal trauma and discipline types in emotional processing among Syrian refugee children | |
English | |
20230800 | |
Springer | |
Peltonen, Kirsi | Gredebäck, Gustaf | Pollak, Seth D. | Lindskog, Marcus | Hall, Jonathan | |
Turkey | Syrian refugees, child | emotional processing | mother-child relations | traumatic exposure | Syrian refugees, female | offspring, child | war victims, female | parenting | PTSD | parental mental health | Syrian refugees, adolescent | offspring, adolescent | corporal punishment effects | disciplinary measures | age factors | religiosity | risk factors | face perception | |
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European child and adolescent psychiatry ; vol. 32, no. 8 | |
ART : 32155 : Not available for external loan | |
The impact of parent torture and family functioning on youth adjustment in war-affected families : a path analysis describing intergenerational trauma and the family system | |
English | |
20230800 | |
Sage | |
Hoffman, Sarah J. | Vukovich, Maria M. | Fulkerson, Jayne | Gewirtz, Abigail | Robertson, Cheryl L. | Fredkove, Windy M. | Gaugler, Joseph | |
exposure to torture effects | adaptation | sex factors | protective factors | risk factors | Karen refugees | intergenerational effects | family relations | social adjustment | traumatic exposure effects | parental mental health | war victims, adolescent | offspring of torture victims, adolescent | exposure to warfare effects | United States | Myanmar | |
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Journal of family nursing ; vol. 29, no. 3 | |
ART : 32638 : Not available for external loan | |
Suicidality among Syrian refugee children in Jordan | |
English | |
20230722 | |
Springer | |
Dehnel, Rebecca | Dalky, Heyam | Sudarsan, Subashini | Delaimy, Wael K. Al- | |
Jordan | Syrian refugees, child | Syrian refugees, adolescent | developing countries | suicidal ideation epidemiology | prevalence | psychological resilience | depression, major epidemiology | risk factors | parental mental health | age factors | bullying effects | psychometrics | Children’s Depression Inventory 2 (CDI-2) | Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL-25) | Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) | |
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Community mental health journal ; doi: 10.1007/s10597-023-01160-8 | |
ART : 32586 : Not available for external loan | |
Intergenerational transmission of mental health risk in refugee families : the role of maternal psychopathology and emotional availability | |
English | |
20230721 | |
Cambridge University Press | |
Scharpf, Florian | Paulus, Markus | Christner, Natalie | Beerbaum, Luisa | Kammermeier, Marina | Hecker, Tobias | |
Tanzania, United Republic of | Burundi | Burundi refugees, female | PTSD | refugee camps | emotional numbing | parental mental health | mother-child relations | armed conflict effects | exposure to warfare effects | war victims, female | mental health status | offspring, child | intergenerational effects | traumatic exposure effects | psychometrics | Emotional Availability Scales | PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) | Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) | UCLA Child/Adolescent PTSD Reaction Index (UCLA RI-5) | offspring, adolescent | child development | object attachment | child abuse | developing countries | |
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Development and psychopathology ; doi: 10.1017/S0954579423000846 | |
ART : 32639 : Not available for external loan | |
Wellbeing outcomes and risk and protective factors for parents with migrant and refugee backgrounds from the Middle East in the first 1000 days : a systematic review | |
English | |
20230706 | |
Springer | |
Winter, Amelia Kate | Due, Clemence | Ziersch, Anna | |
child welfare | Middle Eastern refugees | parenting | parental mental health | risk factors | child development | offspring, child | depression epidemiology | mother-child relations | well-being | postmigration factors | social support | help seeking behaviour | research needs | universal | |
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Journal of immigrant and minority health ; doi: 10.1007/s10903-023-01510-4 | |
ART : 26796 : Not available for external loan | |
Bosnian paternal war orphans: mental health in postwar time | |
English | |
20230701 | |
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins | |
Kravić, Nermina | Pajević, Izet | Hasanović, Mevludin | Karahasanović, Nejla | Voracek, Martin | Baca-Garcia, Enrique | Dervic, Kanita | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | orphanhood | postconflict situations | war victims, child | exposure to warfare effects | long-term effects | orphans, adolescent | adolescent behaviour | depression | psychological resilience | parental mental health effects | mother-child relations | social support | father absence | parental death effects | mental health status | psychometrics | Achenbach Child Behavior Check List-6-18 | Prolonged Grief Disorder-13 Scale | Brief Symptom Inventory--Bosnia-Herzegovina Version | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire-Bosnia-Herzegovina Version | Children's Depression Inventory | Resilience Scale | Youth Self-Report | emotions | contextual factors | |
Journal of nervous and mental disease ; vol. 211, no. 7 | |
ART : 31897 : Not available for external loan | |
Combatting intergenerational effects of psychotrauma with multifamily therapy | |
English | |
20230101 | |
Frontiers Research Foundation | |
Mooren, Trudy | Ee, Elisa van | Hein, Irma | Bala, Julia | |
Netherlands | traumatic exposure effects | intergenerational effects prevention | family therapy | parental mental health | refugees | veterans | treatment models | family resilience | parent-child relations | emotional regulation | review [publication type] | PTSD | mental disorders | child of impaired parents | psychological models | communication | mentalisation | group psychotherapy | empowerment | |
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Frontiers in psychiatry ; vol. 13 | |
ART : 32190 : Not available for external loan | |
Risk factors of adolescent exposure to violence in Burkina Faso | |
English | |
20221221 | |
BioMed Central | |
Musizvingoza, Ronald | Tirivayi, Nyasha | Otchere, Frank | Viola, Francesca | |
Burkina Faso | exposure to violence | Burkinabe, adolescent | risk factors | protective factors | violence epidemiology | domestic violence epidemiology | age distribution | sex distribution | residence characteristics | psychological violence prevalence | orphans, female, adolescent | religion | Muslims | social welfare | parental mental health | nutritional status | parental absence effects | |
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BMC public health ; vol. 22, no. 1 | |