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  • ART : 07199 : Not available for external loan
    Ethics manual. Fourth edition. American College of Physicians
    United States | guidelines | practice guidelines | advance care planning | biomedical research | code of ethics | complementary therapies | decision making | information disclosure | clinical ethics committees | medical ethics | euthanasia | information dissemination | confidentiality | medical records | manuals | withholding treatment | organ procurement | medical societies | resource allocation | professional abuse | patient rights | patient access to records
    Annals of internal medicine ; vol. 128, no. 7
    American College of Physicians
  • ART : 00329 : Not available for external loan
    Danish experiences of statutory right of patients to access hospital records
    Denmark | health law | national law | access to information | medical records | patient access to records | patient advocacy | patient rights | age factors | prospective studies | risk assessment | letter [publication type]
    Lancet ; vol. 332, no. 8625
  • ART : 00319 : Not available for external loan
    American College of Physicians ethics manual : part 1 : history of medical ethics, the physician and the patient, the physician's relationship to other physicians, the physician and society : Ad Hoc Committee on Medical Ethics, American College of Physicians
    United States | universal | medical profession | history | clinical competence | confidentiality | information disclosure | informed consent | international cooperation | medical records | moral obligations | patient advocacy | patient rights | social responsibility | medical societies | code of ethics | medical ethics | interprofessional relations | doctor-patient relations | patient access to records
    Annals of internal medicine ; vol. 101, no. 1
    American College of Physicians