| ART : 28906 : Not available for external loan
| Immigrant children’s proficiency in the host country language is more important than individual, family and peer characteristics in predicting their psychological well-being |
| English |
| 20201200 |
| Springer |
| Cavicchiolo, Elisa | Manganelli, Sara | Girelli, Laura | Chirico, Andrea | Lucidi, Fabio | Alivernini, Fabio |
| Italy | immigrants, child | refugees, child | well-being | postmigration factors | psychological stress | risk factors | mental health | health status | second generation | follow-up study [publication type] | communication barriers | language proficiency | sex factors | family | peer group characteristics | affect | socioeconomic factors | psychometrics | Feelings At School Scale-Positive Affect subscale |
| Full text (free to in-house users) |
| Journal of immigrant and minority health ; vol. 22, no. 6 |
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