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  • ART : 32905 : Not available for external loan
    Incidence of non-affective psychotic disorders in refugees and peers growing up in Denmark and Sweden : a registry linkage study
    Denmark | Sweden | psychotic disorders epidemiology | incidence | cross-national comparison | peer group characteristics | refugees, young adult | immigrants, young adult | longitudinal study [publication type] | research needs | postmigration aspects | adolescent development | child development | schizophrenia epidemiology | socioeconomic factors | urban areas | unemployment | sick leave | disability pension | sex factors
    Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology ; doi: 10.1007/s00127-023-02578-x
  • ART : 28906 : Not available for external loan
    Immigrant children’s proficiency in the host country language is more important than individual, family and peer characteristics in predicting their psychological well-being
    Italy | immigrants, child | refugees, child | well-being | postmigration factors | psychological stress | risk factors | mental health | health status | second generation | follow-up study [publication type] | communication barriers | language proficiency | sex factors | family | peer group characteristics | affect | socioeconomic factors | psychometrics | Feelings At School Scale-Positive Affect subscale
    Journal of immigrant and minority health ; vol. 22, no. 6