Show record 1 to 10 of 27 from RCT
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  • ART : 26775 : Not available for external loan
    Towards democratic intelligence oversight: limits, practices, struggles
    Cambridge University Press
    intelligence service oversight | democracy | politics | meaning | practices | human rights | national security | intersectional framework | legitimacy | advocacy | legal proceedings | surveillance | whistleblowing | cross-national analysis | Germany | United Kingdom | United States
    Review of international studies ; doi: 10.1017/S0260210523000013
  • ART : 31752 : Not available for external loan
    Medicolegal approach to skin lesions in trafficking victims : a case report
    trafficked persons | age determination | case report | interviewing | physical examination | decision making | traditional practices adverse effects | scars | forensic evaluation of torture | skin manifestations | Italy
    Forensic science international ; vol. 342
  • ART : 31273 : Not available for external loan
    Health and social consequences of human rights violations in rural Nigeria
    human rights violations effects | social surveys | national legal instruments effectiveness | human rights protection effectiveness | self efficacy | help seeking behaviour | threat perception | social perception | traditional practices adverse effects | police violence | social determinants of health | regional human rights protection system effectiveness | community-institutional relations | dissociation | coping behaviour | stroke | hypertension | depression | paranoid disorders | sleep disorders | psychotic disorders | anxiety | social effects | health status | impunity | rural areas | developing countries | Nigeria
    International social science journal ; vol. 72, no. 245
  • ART : 28027 : Not available for external loan
    Assessing signs of torture : a review of clinical forensic dermatology
    forensic evaluation of torture | wounds, gunshot | electric torture | falanga [torture method] | torture methods | medical doctor's role | general practice | traditional practices | self mutilation | diagnosis, differential | physical restraint adverse effects | positional torture | suspension [torture method] | scars | wounds, stab | cutting [torture method] | stabbing | burns, thermal | burns, electrical | burns, chemical | hyperpigmentation | beatings | torture method-effect correlation | skin manifestations | wounds and injuries | asylum seekers | refugees | review [publication type] | physical effects of torture | physical examination | forensic dermatology | universal
    Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology ; vol. 87, no. 2
  • ART : 31494 : Not available for external loan
    The prevention of gender-based violence in Ethiopia in light of the three cycles UPR process
    Taylor and Francis
    Ethiopia | gender-based violence prevention | developing countries | universal human rights protection system effectiveness | universal periodic review | traditional practices adverse effects | domestic implementation | governmental entities' role | international legal instruments | national legal instruments' role | preventative interventions | human rights violations prevention
    International journal of human rights ; vol. 26, no. 3
  • ART : 30995 : Not available for external loan
    Hospitalizations in psychiatry during the month of Ramadan : a study at the Tunisian mental health hospital
    Tunisia | psychiatric hospitals statistics | fasting | cross-sectional study [publication type] | Muslims | traditional practices adverse effects | risk factors | religion | Tunisians | mental disorders epidemiology | retrospective studies
    International journal of social psychiatry ; vol. 68, no. 2
  • ART : 30384 : Not available for external loan
    Escaping social rejection, gaining total capital : the complex psychological experience of female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) among the Izzi in Southeast Nigeria
    BioMed Central
    Nigeria | female genital mutilation effects | rural areas | developing countries | gender-based violence effects | psychological effects of violence | traditional practices | psychometrics | McGill Illness Narrative Interview (MINI) | adolescents, female | culture | social stigma | humiliation | retrospective study [publication type] | social status
    Reproductive health ; vol. 19, no. 1
  • ART : 30066 : Not available for external loan
    Which factors are associated with adolescent reports of experiencing various forms of abuse at the family level in post-conflict Northern Uganda?
    Uganda | child abuse epidemiology | psychometrics | International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect-Child Abuse Screening Tool-Child Version | Child Beliefs Supporting Aggression Scale | Parental Responses to Child Misbehavior Tool | Caregiver Knowledge of Child Protection Laws Measure | Past-Month Harsh Child Disciplinary Practices Scale | Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (APQ) | Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale | Parental Stress Scale | personal characteristics | age factors | disciplinary measures | sex factors | multiple traumatic events | sexual abuse | emotional abuse | physical abuse | personal satisfaction | well-being | attitude to violence | prevalence of violence | risk factors | domestic violence epidemiology | postconflict situations | developing countries
    Journal of interpersonal violence ; vol. 36, no. 21-22
  • ART : 28871 : Not available for external loan
    Case study: lesions due to forced ritual scarification in Cameroon : a warning from cultural anthropology to forensic medicine
    skin manifestations | Istanbul Protocol | interdisciplinary cooperation | ethnology | Bamileke people (Cameroon) | rape | beatings | domestic violence | ritual wounds | symbolism | anthropology, cultural | physical examination | forensic evaluation of torture | comparison | physical effects of torture | case report [publication type] | asylum seekers, female | coercion | traditional practices | etiology | scars | Cameroon | Italy
    Legal medicine ; vol. 53
  • ART : 27995 : Not available for external loan
    Evidence of physical violence and torture in refugees and migrants seeking asylum in France
    forensic evaluation of torture | evidence of torture | asylum seekers | asylum proceedings | physical effects of torture | wounds and injuries | North Africans | West Africans | skin injuries | sex distribution | practice patterns, medical | age distribution | physical torture methods | beatings | burns | torture method-effect correlation | burning [torture method] | diagnostic techniques and procedures | physical examination | traditional practices | diagnosis, differential | Istanbul Protocol | physical violence | spouse abuse | domestic violence | non state agents | armed forces | police | state agents | agents responsible for violations | rape victims, male | sexual torture | lacerations | stabbing | cutting [torture method] | France | Western Sahara | Tibet [China] | Sudan | Sri Lanka | Somalia | Senegal | Pakistan | Niger | Morocco | Mali | Libya | Kuwait | Cote d'Ivoire | India | Guinea | Gabon | Ethiopia | Eritrea | Congo, Democratic Republic of the | Congo | Chad | Bangladesh | Algeria | Afghanistan
    Journal of forensic and legal medicine ; vol. 77