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  • ART : 25381 : Not available for external loan
    Do men in prison have nothing to lose but their manhood? : masculinities of prisoners and officers in a Ukrainian correctional colony
    Ukraine | prison subculture | respect | honour | credibility | prisoner punishment | social behaviour | job satisfaction | prisons | militarism | researcher-subject relations | access to prisons | case studies | field work | social exclusion | solidarity | individualism | social control | group processes | interpersonal relations | gender roles | discourse analysis | prison personnel, male | quality of life | violence prevention | social hierarchies | determinants of violence | prisoner violence | masculinities | self concept | power | prisoners, male
    Men and masculinities ; vol. 21, no. 5
  • ART : 23264 : Not available for external loan
    'In this job, you cannot have time for family' : work–family conflict among prison officers in Ghana
    Ghana | occupational stress | family relations | prison personnel, female | prison personnel, male
    Criminology and criminal justice ; vol. 18, no. 2
  • MON : 2016.151 : Not available for external loan
    Women in prison : a thematic report about conditions for female prisoners in Norway
    Norwegian Parliamentary Ombudsman
    Norway | prisoners, female | prisons | prison conditions | prison climate | NPMs | sanitation | personal safety | prison personnel, male | risk factors | sexual harassment | activities of daily living | leisure activities | work | education | exercise | health services accessibility | mental health services | women's health services | family relations | mothers
    Norway. Parliamentary Ombudsman
  • ART : 23114 : Not available for external loan
    Sexual revictimization and retraumatization of women in prison
    Feminist Press
    universal | women | prisoners, female | victimisation | retraumatisation | sexual abuse | prison personnel, male | power | prisoner violence | coercion | rape | sexual behaviour
    WSQ : Women's studies quarterly ; vol. 32, no. 3-4
  • ART : 02547 : Not available for external loan
    Men guarding women : an analysis of the employment of male correction officers in prisons for women
    United States | universal | prisons | gender relations | gender aspects | prisoners, female | prison personnel, male | perception
    Journal of criminal justice ; vol. 20, no. 4