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ART : 31465 : Not available for external loan | |
Against settlement before the European Court of Human Rights | |
English | |
20220700 | |
Oxford University Press | |
Fikfak, Veronika | |
regional human rights protection system effectiveness | attitude of victims | ECHR-3 | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | international courts' role | court procedure, international | prevalence | conflict resolution | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | Europe | |
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ICon : international journal of constitutional law ; vol. 20, no. 3 | |
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ART : 31226 : Not available for external loan | |
The European Court of Human Rights - can there be too much success? | |
English | |
20220200 | |
Oxford University Press | |
Lemmens, Paul | |
human rights protection | regional human rights protection system effectiveness | CoE. European Court of Human Rights | workload | legitimacy | state compliance | judicial reform | international judicial cooperation | national courts | international courts | ECHR-P11 | case law | subsidiarity principle | politics | judicial activism | NGOs role | civil society | EU. Court of Justice | organisation and administration | domestic implementation | judicial decisions | ECHR-P14 | Europe | |
Journal of human rights practice ; vol. 14, no. 1 | |
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ART : 32082 : Not available for external loan | |
Monitoring prisons: a study of the ongoing dialogue between the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and Belgium | |
English | |
20220000 | |
Springer | |
Sechidou, Katerina | Daems, Tom | |
torture prevention effectiveness | regional human rights protection system effectiveness | prison oversight effectiveness | human rights monitoring effectiveness | state compliance | CPT recommendations | torture prevalence | attitude of government officials | CPT | CoE. European Committee For The Prevention Of Torture And Inhuman Or Degrading Treatment Or Punishment | Europe | Belgium | |
Human rights behind bars: tracing vulnerability in prison populations across continents from a multidisciplinary perspective / Clara Burbano Herrera, Yves Haeck (eds.) - ISBN: 978-3-031-11483-0 | |
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