Show record 1 to 10 of 42 from RCT
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  • UN : A/HRC/48/10/Add.1 : Not available for external loan
    Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review : Denmark : addendum : views on conclusions and/or recommendations, voluntary commitments and replies presented by the State under review
    United Nations
    Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | universal periodic review | human rights monitoring effectiveness | racial discrimination | accountability | gender-based violence prevention | equality rights | immigration detention | refugee reception policy | social welfare | asylum procedure | religious discrimination | child welfare services | women's rights | child rights | housing | juvenile detainees | juvenile justice | human rights status
    UN. Human Rights Council. Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (38th sess. : 2021 : Geneva) | Denmark
  • UN : A/HRC/48/10 : Not available for external loan
    Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review : Denmark
    United Nations
    Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | universal periodic review | human rights monitoring effectiveness | racial discrimination | accountability | gender-based violence prevention | equality rights | immigration detention | refugee reception policy | social welfare | asylum procedure | religious discrimination | child welfare services | women's rights | child rights | housing | juvenile detainees | juvenile justice | human rights status
    UN. Human Rights Council. Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (38th sess. : 2021 : Geneva)
  • ART : 30443 : Not available for external loan
    Political geographies of islamophobia : Chinese ethno-religious racism and structural violence in East Turkestan
    determinants of violence | repression strategies | organised violence | determinants of torture | racism | religious discrimination | persecution | antimuslim attitudes | structural violence | war on terror | Uyghurs | imprisonment | China
    Islamophobia studies journal ; vol. 6, no. 2
  • ART : 29142 : Not available for external loan
    Forced migration-related traumatic experiences and collective memory in Ezidi asylum-seekers coming to Diyarbakir province from Shingal region
    Turkey | Iraq | Iraqi refugees, adult | Yazidis | life change events | traumatic exposure | collective memory | violence effects | fear | displacement | religious discrimination | sociocultural factors | emotional trauma | social identification | mass killings | survivors | asylum seekers
    Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology ; vol. 55, no. 1
  • ART : 29867 : Not available for external loan
    State crime, radicalization and the ‘war on terror‘
    Palgrave Macmillan
    universal | United Kingdom | United States | Syrian Arab Republic | Afghanistan | Iraq | determinants of radicalisation | state crime theory | determinants of terrorism | war on terror | counterradicalisation | social control | social perception | determinants of violence | attitude to violence | risk factors | determinants of perpetration | human rights protection | state terror | terrorism effects | national law | government policy | terrorism prevention | limitation of rights and freedoms | human rights violations | belief systems | Muslims | social discrimination | religious discrimination | discourse analysis | cognitive | radicalisation | radicalisation to violence
    The ‘war on terror’, state crime and radicalization: a constitutive theory of radicalization. (Palgrave studies in risk, crime and society book series). - ISBN 978-3-030-40137-5
  • ART : 23817 : Not available for external loan
    The genres and politics of refugee testimony
    Taylor and Francis
    Australia | literary criticism | interviewing | decision making | religious discrimination | Burmese | asylum seekers, female | case studies | refugee law | credibility | evidence | comparative literature | discourse | asylum proceedings | testimonies | personal narratives | asylum seekers
    Law and literature ; vol. 30, no. 1
  • ART : 24103 : Not available for external loan
    Religious identity and experiences of displacement : an examination into the discursive representations of Syrian refugees and their effects on religious minorities living in Jordan
    Oxford University Press
    Jordan | Syrian refugees | social identification | religious groups | minority groups | Christians | discourse | humanitarian aid | urban areas | Druze | social isolation | religious discrimination
    Journal of refugee studies ; vol. 30, no. 3
  • UN : A/HRC/32/10/Add.1 : Not available for external loan
    Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review : Denmark : addendum
    United Nations
    Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | universal periodic review | human rights monitoring effectiveness | racial discrimination | accountability | gender-based violence prevention | equality rights | immigration detention | refugee reception policy | social welfare | asylum procedure | religious discrimination | child welfare services | women's rights | child rights | housing | juvenile detainees | juvenile justice | human rights status
  • UN : A/HRC/32/10 : Not available for external loan
    Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review : Denmark
    United Nations
    Denmark | Greenland [Denmark] | Faroe Islands [Denmark] | universal periodic review | human rights monitoring effectiveness | racial discrimination | accountability | gender-based violence prevention | equality rights | immigration detention | refugee reception policy | social welfare | asylum procedure | religious discrimination | child welfare services | women's rights | child rights | housing | juvenile detainees | juvenile justice | human rights status
    UN. Human Rights Council. Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review (24th sess. : 2016 : Geneva)
  • MON : 2016.035 : Not available for external loan
    The situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran : report of the Secretary-General : General Assembly, 65th session
    United Nations
    Iran, Islamic Republic of | torture | death penalty | executions | stoning [execution technique] | violence against women | religious discrimination
    UN. General Assembly (65th sess. : 2010)