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  • ART : 25200 : Not available for external loan
    Walking the line : balancing access to research and protecting prisoners
    Oxford University Press
    prisoners | volunteers | prison oversight | prevention and control | statistical information | compensation | coercion | inhuman treatment | bioethics | human experimentation | ECHR-3 | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | international courts | regional human rights protection systems | case law | prison overcrowding | prison conditions | informed consent | human rights | right to science | research participation | torture prevention | drug industry | clinical trials | biomedical research | prisons | universal | Europe
    Medical law review ; vol. 28, no. 1
  • ART : 30417 : Not available for external loan
    Subjective reactions to international research participation : an illustration of ethical considerations with women heading households in Sri Lanka
    American Psychological Association
    Sri Lanka | research subjects | community-based participatory research | widows | war victims, female | distress | traumatic exposure | emotions | anxiety | depression, major | research ethics | family characteristics | poverty | psychological stress | emotional trauma | test construction | psychometrics | Family Assessment Device | Modified Version of Reactions to Research Participation Questionnaire-Revised | Penn/RESIST/Peradeniya War Problems Questionnaire | Community Support Scale | DIGNITY staff publications
    American journal of orthopsychiatry ; vol. 89, no. 4
  • ART : 13434 : Not available for external loan
    Maximizing follow-up in longitudinal studies of traumatized populations
    universal | PTSD | stress disorders, traumatic | substance-related disorders | appointments and schedules | patient dropouts | research subjects | research participation | research management | emotional trauma | theoretical models | longitudinal studies
    Journal of traumatic stress ; vol. 19, no. 6