Show record 1 to 10 of 119 from RCT
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  • ART : 32915 : Not available for external loan
    Cognitive factors underlying the impact of postmigration stressors on subjective well-being : well-being comparisons and self-efficacy
    Germany | Arab refugees | well-being | self efficacy | postmigration factors | stressors | social media usage | comparison | self concept | time factors | psychological stress | psychometrics | Comparison Standards Scale for Well-Being (CSS-W)-Arabic version | General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) | Social Media Engagement Scale (SMES) | World health Organization Well-being Index (WHO-5) | Refugee Postmigration Stress Scale (RPMS)
    Clinical psychology and psychotherapy ; doi: 10.1002/cpp.2928
  • ART : 32749 : Not available for external loan
    Effect of daily stressors and collective efficacy on post-traumatic stress symptoms among internally displaced persons in post-war northern Sri Lanka
    Cambridge University Press
    Sri Lanka | armed conflict effects | war victims | traumatic exposure effects | exposure to warfare effects | internally displaced persons | cross-sectional study [publication type] | rural areas | postmigration factors | stressors | self efficacy | PTSD epidemiology | symptoms | social control, informal | contextual factors | distress epidemiology | activities of daily living | multiple traumatic events effects | psychosocial interventions | risk factors | protective factors | exposure to torture effects | psychometrics | Impact of Event Scale-Revised (IES-R)
    BJPsych open ; vol. 9, no. 6
  • ART : 32715 : Not available for external loan
    Understanding the association of self-efficacy, mood, and demographics with physical activity in Syrian and Iraqi refugees : a cross-sectional study in Jordan
    Jordan | Iraqi refugees | Syrian refugees | psychometrics | health perception | confusion | physical fitness | fatigue | anger | depression epidemiology | income | socioeconomic factors | educational status | sex factors | General Self-Efficacy Scale | Brunel Mood Scale | urban areas | mood | self efficacy | determinants | physical activity prevalence | cross-sectional study [publication type]
    Scientific world journal ; vol. 2023
  • ART : 31640 : Not available for external loan
    Moral injury in human rights advocates
    American Psychological Association
    universal | United States | human rights defenders | moral injury effects | occupational exposure adverse effects | mental health | PTSD | self efficacy | advocacy effects | legal personnel | perfectionism | psychometrics | PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version | General Self-Efficacy Scale | Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form | Moral Injury Events Scale | Brief Moral Injury Scale
    Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy ; vol. 15, suppl. 2
  • ART : 26849 : Not available for external loan
    Is positive youth development a pathway for sustaining peace in Tanzania? Predicting peace attitudes among adolescents
    American Psychological Association
    Tanzania, United Republic of | conflict resolution | peace | attitude | youth's role | Tanzanians, adolescent | adolescent development | community involvement | ethnicity | self efficacy | social justice | developing countries | sustainable development | environmental pollution | unemployment | life aspirations | psychometrics | Personal and Institutional Rights to Aggression and Peace Survey Measure | Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure-Brief Version | Purpose in Life Scale-Short Form | Sociodemographic Questionnaire | Brief Sense of Community Scale | General Self-Efficacy Scale | Developmental Assets Profile
    Peace and conflict: journal of peace psychology ; vol. 29, no. 3
  • ART : 32551 : Not available for external loan
    Empowerment group therapy for refugees with affective disorders : results of a multi-center randomized controlled trial
    Cambridge University Press
    Germany | refugee aid | group psychotherapy | empowerment | programme evaluation | treatment outcome | psychoeducation | emotional regulation | stress management | affective disorders therapy | treatment models | cognitive behavioural therapy | psychometrics | WHO Quality of Life Assessment (WHOQoL-BREF) | Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) | Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) | Brief Resilience Scale (BRS) | Refugee Health Screener (RHS-15) | Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MÅDRS) | Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) | multicentre study [publication type] | randomised controlled trial [publication type]
    European psychiatry ; vol. 66, no. 1
  • ART : 32625 : Not available for external loan
    Relationship between physical activity and individual mental health after traumatic events : a systematic review
    Taylor and Francis
    universal | traumatic exposure effects | PTSD | depression | anxiety | suicide | stress management | self efficacy | sleep | well-being | psychological resilience | quality of life | review [publication type] | physical activity effects | mental health status
    European journal of psychotraumatology ; vol. 14, no. 2
  • ART : 31389 : Not available for external loan
    'Sometimes that takes you going the extra mile' : the role of providers' self-efficacy in refugee mental health services
    United States | mental health care delivery | needs assessment | training of mental health personnel | developed countries | refugee aid | self efficacy | professional-client relations | trust | trauma-informed care
    Community mental health journal ; vol. 59, no. 3
  • ART : 31979 : Not available for external loan
    Self-efficacy and locus of control as transdiagnostic factors in Middle Eastern refugees
    Taylor and Francis
    Germany | Middle Eastern refugees | mental disorders diagnosis | self efficacy | internal external locus of control | depression | anxiety | symptoms | somatoform disorders | distress | cross-sectional study [publication type] | Syrian refugees | Iraqi refugees | Afghan refugees | sex factors | age factors | psychometrics | General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) | Questionnaire on Psychotherapy Motivation (FPTM-23) | Patient Health Questionnaire (Brief PHQ-D) | protective factors | postmigration factors
    European journal of psychotraumatology ; vol. 14, no. 1
  • ART : 31513 : Not available for external loan
    Predicting treatment outcomes of the Empowerment group intervention for refugees with affective disorders : findings from the MEHIRA project
    Germany | affective disorders therapy | refugees | group psychotherapy | treatment outcome | forecasting | depression, major therapy | severity (disorders) | symptoms | self efficacy | comorbidity effects | mood disorders | PTSD therapy | empowerment | psychometrics | Patient Health Questionnaire-9 | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire | Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire | Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview | Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale | Refugee Health Screener-15 | Brief Resilience Scale | Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale | WHOQoL-BREF Assessment
    Journal of affective disorders ; vol. 323