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  • MON : 2018.050 : Not available for external loan
    Physiotherapy in mental health and psychiatry : a scientific and clinical based approach
    physiotherapy | pain measurement | dementia | mentally disabled persons | gender aspects | review [publication type] | bipolar disorder | schizophrenia | conversion disorder | depression | eating disorders | substance-related disorders | rape victims, female | emotional trauma | torture victims treatment | burnout | psychological stress | somatoform disorders | somatic symptoms | chronic fatigue syndrome | comorbidity | low back pain | treatment outcome | myofascial pain syndroms | musculoskeletal diseases | rehabilitation | adolescents | children | physical examination | motor activity | elderly | adult | Physical Activity and Exercise Questionnaires | self-esteem | Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale | Physical Self-Inventory | Physical Self-Perception Profile | Physical Self-Description Questionnaire | Four-Dimensional Symptom Questionnaire (4DSQ) | Awareness Body Charts (ABC) | Body Awareness Rating Scale - Movement Quality (BARS-MQ) | Body Awareness Scale Movement Quality and Experience (BAS MQ-E) | Body Awareness Rating Questionnaire (BARQ) | Global Body Examination | Global Physiotherapy Examination (GPE-52) | Physical Activity and Unrest Test | Exercise and Eating Disorder Questionnaire | Louvain Observation Scales for Objectives in Psychomotor Therapy | self concept | body awareness | physical examination | physical activity | exercise test | monitoring | rating scales | questionnaires | measurement | group physiotherapy | biofeedback | relaxation therapy | mentally ill | body awareness therapy | chronic pain | acceptance and commitment therapy | physiotherapist's role | patient compliance | health promotion | movement | treatment models | primary health care | mental health services | mental disorders | psychiatric patients | universal | Belgium | Norway