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ART : 22499 : Not available for external loan | |
Attachment representation and sensitivity : the moderating role of posttraumatic stress disorder in a refugee sample | |
20170900 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Ee, Elisa van | Jongmans, Marian J. | Aa, Niels van der | Klebe, Rolf J. | |
Netherlands | refugees, adult | asylum seekers, adult | object attachment | child development | parent-child relations | risk factors | PTSD | parenting | emotional trauma | sensitivity (personality) | emotional development | child rearing | questionnaires | Emotional Availability Scale | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) | Attachment Script Assessment | Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview | |
Family process ; vol. 56, no. 3 | |
ART : 21361 : Not available for external loan | |
The contribution of personality and refugee camp experience to callous and unemotional traits among immigrant adolescents in the United States : implications for the DSM -5 "limited prosocial emotions" specifier | |
English | |
20160400 | |
Springer | |
Latzman, Robert D. | Malikina, Mariya V. | Hecht, Lisa K. | Lilienfeld, Scott O. | Chan, Wing Yi | |
United States | refugees | adolescents | adolescent development | refugee camps | personality development | sensitivity (personality) | cruelty | antisocial personality disorder | diagnosis | risk factors | |
Child psychiatry and human development ; vol. 47, no. 2 | |
ART : 13906 : Not available for external loan | |
Physicians and torture : lessons from the Nazi doctors | |
English | |
20070930 | |
International Committee of the Red Cross | |
Grodin, Michael | Annas, George | |
Germany | universal | Torture | doctors' participation | Nazi doctors | human rights violations | psychology | perpetrators | torturers | Personality traits | personal characteristics | dehumanisation | sensitivity (personality) | Obedience | power | |
Full text in open access | |
International review of the Red Cross ; vol. 89, no. 867 | |
ART : 28774 : Not available for external loan | |
Anxiety sensitivity in traumatized Cambodian refugees : a discriminant function and factor analytic investigation | |
English | |
20051200 | |
Elsevier | |
Hinton, Devon E. | Pich, Vuth | Safren, Steven A. | Pollack, Mark H. | McNally, Richard J. | |
United States | Cambodian refugees | anxiety disorders | discriminant analysis | factor analysis, statistical | panic disorder | psychiatric status rating scales | war victims | language | predisposition | emotional trauma | PTSD | sensitivity (personality) | comorbidity | cross-cultural aspects | culture-bound syndromes | assessment | questionnaires | self report | psychometrics | Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI) | Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV | |
Behaviour research and therapy ; vol. 43, no. 12 | |
ART : 02097 : Not available for external loan | |
Teaching empathy : ethnicity, race and power at the cross-cultural treatment interface | |
English | |
19911000 | |
Pinderhughes, Elaine B. | |
universal | torture victims treatment | attitude of health personnel | cross-cultural aspects | empathy | race relations | psychotherapy | sensitivity (personality) | psychotherapeutic processes | |
Treatment of torture: reading and references: a collection / Ferne E. Atkinson (ed.) | |