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ART : 32993 : Not available for external loan | |
Counter-narratives against hardships among Syrian refugee youth and parents | |
English | |
20231107 | |
Sage | |
Rommes, Els | Chaer, Nisrine | |
Netherlands | Syrian refugees | parent-child relations | discourse analysis | living conditions | postmigration aspects | stereotyping | social identification | counternarratives | help seeking behaviour | victimhood | socioeconomic factors | time factors | legal status | uncertainty effects | attitude to mental health | Syrian refugees, young adult | offspring, child | offspring, adolescent | |
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Transcultural psychiatry ; doi: 10.1177/13634615231191993 | |
ART : 31343 : Not available for external loan | |
Are torture survivors more resilient and develop higher PTG, than nontortured refugees? : the role of will to exist, live, and survive : a replication and extension | |
English | |
20231100 | |
American Psychological Association | |
Kira, Ibrahim A. | Aljakoub, Jakoub | Al Ibraheem, Boshra | Shuwiekh, Hanaa A. M. | |
torture victims | psychometrics | Social Support Survey | Will to Exist, Live, Survive, and Fight Scale-Long Version | Posttraumatic Growth Inventory-Short Form Test | Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale-10 | survivors | social support | Syrians | internally displaced persons | motivation | coping behaviour | social identification | comparative study [publication type] | posttraumatic growth | psychological resilience | Syrian Arab Republic | |
Peace and conflict: journal of peace psychology ; vol. 29, no. 4 | |
ART : 31631 : Not available for external loan | |
Language, power and identity : discursive construction of post-Revolution national identity in Tunisia | |
English | |
20231100 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Rahmouni, Kamilia | |
Tunisia | social identification | power | Arabs | ethnicity | culture | language | history | religion | collective identity | transition to democracy | discourse analysis | state (political entity) | nation | |
Critical discourse studies ; vol. 20, no. 6 | |
ART : 32969 : Not available for external loan | |
Civilian victimization and ethnic attitudes in Africa | |
English | |
20231100 | |
Cambridge University Press | |
Villamil, Francisco | |
attitude to violence | state agents | perpetrator characteristics | exposure to violence effects | social surveys | developing countries | civilian population victimisation | social identification | intergroups relations | Africa | |
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European political science review ; vol. 15, no. 4 | |
ART : 31433 : Not available for external loan | |
Prison officers and esprit de corps. Ingroup and outgroup relationships in prison | |
English | |
20231000 | |
Sage | |
Maculan, Alessandro | Rodelli, Maddalena | |
prison personnel statistics | social hierarchies | prison personnel subculture | social cohesion | loyalty | interpersonal relations | ingroup outgroup | social identification | group processes | esprit de corps | Italy | |
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Punishment and society ; vol. 25, no. 4 | |
ART : 31153 : Not available for external loan | |
Electoral institutions and identity based clientelism in Jordan | |
English | |
20230900 | |
Sage | |
Kao, Kristen | |
Jordan | elections | politics | coallitions | tribalism | parliament | governmental entities | community-institutional relations | social identification | political participation | corruption | |
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Political research quarterly ; vol. 76, no. 3 | |
ART : 31086 : Not available for external loan | |
Religion and rehabilitation in Colombian and South African prisons : a human flourishing approach | |
English | |
20230900 | |
Sage | |
Jang, Sung Joon | Johnson, Byron R. | Anderson, Matthew Lee | Booyens, Karen | |
prisoner rehabilitation | protective factors | religion | social identification | belief systems | criminal behaviour | behaviour change | religiosity | developing countries | world view | life meaning | virtues | well-being | aggression | violence prevention | forgiveness | self-control | cross-national analysis | South Africa | Colombia | |
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International criminal justice review ; vol. 33, no. 3 | |
ART : 32336 : Not available for external loan | |
What is 'prison culture'? Developing a theoretical and methodological foundation for understanding cultural schema in prison | |
English | |
20230800 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Young, Jacob T.N. | Meyers, Travis J. | Morse, Stephanie J. | |
universal | United States | prison subculture | prisoners, male | prisoner subculture definition | race | social control, informal | code of conduct | culture | prisons | prisoner-personnel relations | interpersonal relations | social identification | group processes | power | social hierarchies | prison governance | self-control | social interaction | |
Criminology ; vol. 61, no. 3 | |
ART : 32611 : Not available for external loan | |
The chilling effects of surveillance and human rights: insights from qualitative research in Uganda and Zimbabwe | |
English | |
20230731 | |
Oxford University Press | |
Murray, Daragh | Fussey, Pete | Hove, Kuda | Wakabi, Wairagala | Kimumwe, Paul | Saki, Otto | Stevens, Amy | |
surveillance effects | developing countries | repression strategies | fear | social identification | long-term effects | cross-national analysis | human rights | democracy effectiveness | freedom of expression | freedom of assembly | political activities | decision making | digital technology | Uganda | Zimbabwe | |
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Journal of human rights practice ; doi: 10.1093/jhuman/huad020 | |
ART : 32385 : Not available for external loan | |
Who is willing to help Ukrainian refugees and why? : the role of individual prosocial dispositions and superordinate European identity | |
English | |
20230700 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Roblain, Antoine | Hanioti, Mado | Paulis, Emilien | Van Haute, Emilie | Green, Eva G.T. | |
attitude to refugees | altruism | social mobilisation | social identification | motivation | empathy | prosocial behaviour | intergroup relations | Ukrainian refugees | refugee aid | sociocultural factors | bias | psychometrics | Adults' Prosocialness Scale | Identification With All Humanity Scale (IWAH) | Self-Defining Function of Immigration Attitudes Scale | Volunteer Functions Inventory | Belgians | Belgium | |
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Journal of community and applied social psychology ; vol. 33, no. 4 | |