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  • ART : 26155 : Not available for external loan
    Forced solar gazing - a common technique of torture?
    Nature Publishing Group
    solar gazing [torture method] | Istanbul Protocol | medicolegal reports | retinal abnormalities | signs and symptoms | mental recall | rape | Congolese refugees | torture methods | forensic evaluation of torture | retraumatisation | comorbidity | etiology | visual acuity | retinal injuries | physical examination | dissociation | avoidance | diagnostic techniques, ophthalmologic | anxiety | eye injuries | PTSD | depression | psychological effects of torture | sexual abuse | physical abuse | combined modality torture | Sudanese refugees | torture victims | Freedom from Torture (organisation) | practice patterns, medical | retrospective studies | United Kingdom | Sudan | Congo, Democratic Republic of the
    Eye ; vol. 34, no. 10
  • ART : 25137 : Not available for external loan
    The health of forced migrants
    BMJ Publishing Group
    refugees | unemployment | socioeconomic factors | help seeking behaviour | sociocultural factors | gender-based violence | torture effects | prevalence of torture | adaptation | social support | unaccompanied refugee minors | acculturation | children | community-based interventions | counselling | drug therapy | suicidal ideation | anxiety | immigration detention | depression | PTSD | mental disorders | mental health status | rape victims | pain | pain perception | somatoform disorders | falanga [torture method] | solar gazing | sunlight | eye injuries | physical effects | torture methods | retinal diseases | disabled persons | bone fractures | wounds and injuries | chronic disease | communicable diseases | mass screening | health status | self disclosure | communication barriers | health care delivery | health services accessibility | victim services | human trafficking | statistical information | health services needs and demand | war victims | torture victims | asylum seekers | universal | United Kingdom
    BMJ ; vol. 363
  • ART : 24165 : Not available for external loan
    Sunlight and ultraviolet radiation : pertinent retinal implications and current management
    retinal diseases | solar gazing | torture methods | incidence | epidemiology | review [publication type] | physical effects of torture | physical effects | therapy | etiology | angiography | tomography | diagnostic techniques and procedures | occupational accidents | welding | eye injuries | lasers | ultraviolet rays | sunlight | universal
    Survey of ophthalmology ; vol. 63, no. 2
  • ART : 25559 : Not available for external loan
    A nation abroad : desire and authenticity in Togolese political dissidence
    Indiana University
    Togolese refugees, male | state responsibility | solar gazing | sunlight | positional torture | Togolese refugees, female | torture victims, male | rape | sexual torture | cutting [torture method] | forced ingestion of irritants | beatings | electric torture | torture instruments | torture methods | asylum seekers | Togolese | Cameroonians | malingering | discourse | credibility | repression | postcolonialism | political opposition | contextual analysis | politics | state agents | narration | legal testimonies | torture | truth disclosure | persecution | data sources | asylum proceedings | personal narratives | exile | former political detainees | torture victims, female | Togo | United States | United Kingdom
    Africans in exile: mobility, law and identity / Nathan Riley Carpenter, Benjamin N. Lawrance (eds.). - ISBN: 9780253038074
  • ART : 16796 : Not available for external loan
    Ocular manifestations of torture : solar retinopathy as a result of forced solar gazing
    BMJ Publishing Group
    Cameroon | United States | torture methods | sunlight | physical effects | presbyopia | sunburn | visual acuity | retinal diseases | letter [publication type] | case report [publication type] | solar gazing
    British journal of ophtalmology ; vol. 94, no. 10
  • MON : 1987.031 : Not available for external loan
    Report on torture
    torture | political detainees, female | rape | forced to torture others | Bassari prison (Togo) | Sokode prison (Togo) | Tokoin military camp (Togo) | Zanzibar island (Tanzania) | apartheid | solitary confinement | prisoner rendition | policing | police violence | data sources | intelligence services | armed forces | Dzeleka detention camp (Malawi) | police | burning [torture method] | cutting [torture method] | whipping [torture method] | heavy burdens | exhaustion exercises | military government | impunity for torture | tear gases | irritants in closed spaces [torture method] | solar gazing [torture method] | death in custody | death from torture | detainees | criminal suspects | religious persecution | ethnic conflict | mass killings | global survey | crossnational analysis | programme development | trial observation | investigation of torture | fact-finding missions | data collection | advocacy | NGO approaches | regional human rights protection systems | universal human rights protection system | UN. Commission on Human Rights | intergovernmental organisations | international intervention | politics | international relations | preventative interventions | torture processes | torture prevention effectiveness | legal remedies | obedience | Milgram, Stanley experiments (Yale University) | training of torturers | perception of the enemy | torturer psychology | torturer characteristics | retraumatisation | torture traumatology | disability | physiological effects of torture | electric torture | psychological effects of torture | physical effects of torture | mental disorders | social stigma | body | wounds and injuries | long-term effects of torture | psychotropic drugs | pharmacological torture | training of interrogators | ideological conversion | threats | psychological conditioning | cooperative behaviour | fear | brainwashing | manipulation (psychology) | resistance (psychology) | interrogation techniques | sensory deprivation | sitting position without support [torture method] | heavy burdens holding | standing position [torture method] | positional torture | hallucinations | sleep deprivation | fatigue | physical exertion | placebo effect | truth serum | pessimism | anxiety | depression | mood disorders | prisoners of war | military personnel | warfare | learned helplessness | chronic stress | acute stress | stress reactions | physiological effects | time factors | survival | endurance | behaviour modification | pain perception | human subjectivity | mind-body relations | stress | pain | crimes against humanity | ECHR-3 | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | inhuman treatment | degrading treatment | ill-treatment | torture threshold | pain threshold | torture patterns | classification | psychological torture | physical torture | suffering | sociocultural factors | justified use of force principle | judicial decisions | CoE. European Commission of Human Rights | international legal instruments | Geneva Conventions (1949) | torture definition | information disclosure | social class | dehumanisation | political systems | Cold War | repression strategies | counterinsurgencies | colonialism | slavery | Roman World | Christians | apostasy | religious institutions | Inquisition | Catholic Church | punishment methods | evidence standards | judicial torture | historical aspects of torture | accountability for torture | debate | absolute prohibition of torture | recurrence | determinants of perpetration | effects on torturers | debate | abolition of torture | human dignity | necessity doctrine | ticking bomb scenario | torture justifiability | counterterrorism | detention | state agents | torture purposes | complicity in torture | torture method development | perpetrator characteristics | urticaria | witnessing torture | sleep deprivation [torture method] | insects | prison conditions | food deprivation | pregnant women | medical supervision of torture | submarino, wet [torture method] | criminal investigation | blindfolding | wall-standing [torture method] | positional torture | interrogation | Oryol Special Psychiatric Hospital (USSR) | drug administration, non-therapeutic | nutrition therapy | beatings | hunger strikes | psychiatric confinement | repression | social activists | torture victim characteristics | political detainees, male | witnessing torture | burning [torture method] | nail removal [torture method] | medical supervision of torture | vagina | anal canal | foreign body insertion | torture effects | electric torture | cases | military personnel | agents responsible for violations | beatings | falanga [torture method] | political detainees, female | physical restraint techniques | torture methods | universal | Asia | Zambia | Uganda | Tunisia | Togo | Tanzania, United Republic of | Namibia | South Africa | Rhodesia | Morocco | Malawi | Ghana | Ethiopia | Cameroon | Burundi | Africa | Northern Ireland [United Kingdom] | Greece | Brazil | China | Europe | Uruguay | USSR | Turkey | torture | terminology | torture methods | torturers | antitorture movement | NGOs | bibliographies | abolition of torture
    Amnesty International | AI