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ART : 33146 : Not available for external loan | |
A scoping review of the relationship between physical activity and mental health among immigrants in Western countries : an integrated bio-psycho-socio-cultural lens | |
English | |
20231000 | |
Springer | |
Elshahat, Sarah | Moffat, Tina | Morshed, Mahira | Alkhawaldeh, Haneen | Madani, Keon | Mohamed, Aya | Nadeem, Naya | Emira, Sara | Newbold, K. Bruce | Donnelly, Michael | |
refugees | mental health status | protective factors | physical activity effects | developed countries | review [publication type] | sociocultural factors | recreation effects | sports effects | occupations | anxiety | depression | distress | exercise effects | universal | |
Journal of immigrant and minority health ; vol. 25, no. 5 | |
ART : 31815 : Not available for external loan | |
Football therapy groups for survivors of torture | |
English | |
20220000 | |
Routledge | |
Hanley, Terry | |
torture victims treatment | sports | group therapy | body | treatment models | NGO approaches | United Kingdom | |
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Groupwork with refugees and survivors of human rights abuses: the power of togetherness / Jude Boyles, Robin Ewart-Biggs, Rebecca Horn, Kirsten Lamb (eds.) - ISBN 9781032043906 | |
MON : Electronic resource : Not available for external loan | |
Groupwork with refugees and survivors of human rights abuses : the power of togetherness | |
English | |
20220000 | |
Routledge | |
Boyles, Jude (ed.) | Ewart-Biggs, Robin (ed.) | Horn, Rebecca (ed.) | Lamb, Kirsten (ed.) | |
9781003192978 | |
torture victims treatment | female genital mutilation | torture victims, female | psychotherapeutic techniques | faith healing | psychosocial interventions | torture victims, male | sports | music therapy | peer groups | yoga | PTSD, complex therapy | art therapy | transition to democracy | prisoner violence prevention | prisons | women | therapeutic community | Congolese refugees | sociotherapy | postconflict situations | refugees | disappearances | communities | asylum seekers, female | traumatic exposure | community-based interventions | group therapy | treatment models | universal | United Kingdom | Kosovo | Tunisia | Rwanda | Uganda | Peru | Zimbabwe | |
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MON : Electronic resource : Not available for external loan | |
Quality of life : biopsychosocial perspectives | |
English | |
20220000 | |
IntechOpen | |
Irtelli, Floriana (ed.) | Durbano, Federico (ed.) | George Taukeni, Simon (ed.) | |
9781789852080 | |
quality of life | risk factors | social determinants of health | health status | health disparities | developing countries | intersectionality | epidemiology | gender aspects | race | sexuality | protective factors | physical exercise | sports | oral health | elderly | spirituality | family relations | disabled persons, child | parental mental health | adolescents | universal | Brazil | |
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ART : 31834 : Not available for external loan | |
Opening the black box : an ethnomethodological approach for the video-based analysis of violence | |
English | |
20220000 | |
GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences | |
Meyer, Christian | Wedelstaedt, Ulrich v. | |
torturer-victim interaction | touch | communication | audiovisual media | warfare | sports | ethnographic methods | research methodology | video recordings | data interpretation | violence | Afghanistan | Germany | |
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Historical social research ; vol. 47 | |
ART : 28294 : Not available for external loan | |
Fast Feet Forward : sports training and running practice to reduce stress and increase positive cognitions in unaccompanied asylum‐seeking minors | |
English | |
20201200 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Draper, Ana | Marcellino, Elisa | Ogbonnaya, Comfort | |
United Kingdom | unaccompanied refugee minors, adolescent | treatment outcome | programme evaluation | emotional trauma | cognitive ability | research needs | movement therapy | running | EMDR | early intervention (health) | evidence-based practice | asylum seekers, adolescent | multiple traumatic events | exposure to torture | exercise therapy | sports | stress management | |
Counselling and psychotherapy research ; vol. 20, no. 4 | |
ART : 28071 : Not available for external loan | |
Sport participation may protect socioeconomically disadvantaged youths with refugee backgrounds from experiencing behavioral and emotional difficulties | |
English | |
20201200 | |
Elsevier | |
O'Donnell, Alexander W. | Stuart, Jaimee | Barber, Bonnie L. | Abkhezr, Peyman | |
Australia | refugees, adolescent | developed countries | poverty areas | adolescent behaviour disorders | emotional control | socioeconomic factors | residence characteristics | adaptation | protective factors | sports | resettlement | postmigration factors | well-being | adolescent development | asylum seekers, adolescent | community-based interventions | |
Journal of adolescence ; vol. 85 | |
ART : 26738 : Not available for external loan | |
Everyday rituals of migration: constructing relatedness and agency among young refugees in Denmark | |
English | |
20200700 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Verdasco, Andrea | |
Denmark | unaccompanied refugee minors | group processes | interpersonal relations | asylum centres | activities of daily living | friends | social networking | peer group | contextual analysis | immigration policy | community integration | intergenerational relations | sports | recreation | cooking | social hierarchies | conflict | time | |
Ethnos: journal of anthropology ; vol. 85, no. 3 | |
ART : 24645 : Not available for external loan | |
Sport in liminal spaces : the meaning of sport activities for refugees living in a reception centre | |
English | |
20191200 | |
Sage | |
Waardenburg, Maikel | Visschers, Margot | Deelen, Ineke | Liempt, Ilse van | |
Netherlands | asylum seekers | group processes | waiting period | personal satisfaction | physical activity | time factors | well-being | boredom | sports | asylum centres | |
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International review for the sociology of sport ; vol. 54, no. 8 | |
ART : 25891 : Not available for external loan | |
Impact of an 8-week exercise and sport intervention on post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, mental health, and physical fitness among male refugees living in a Greek refugee camp | |
English | |
20191015 | |
Knappe, Florian | Colledge, Flora | Gerber, Markus | |
Greece | exercise therapy | treatment outcome | refugee camps | refugees, male | physical fitness | pain management | quality of life | anxiety | depression | PTSD | sports | |
Full text in open access | |
International journal of environmental research and public health ; vol. 16, no. 20 | |