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  • ART : 26700 : Not available for external loan
    Care providers’ views on burden of psychosomatic symptoms of IS-traumatized female refugees participating in a Humanitarian Admission Program in Germany : a qualitative analysis
    victim services | trust | coping behaviour | self-help techniques | psychoeducation | communication barriers | interpreter's role | psychotherapy | treatment models | health care delivery | practice patterns, medical | referral and consultation | stomach diseases | chest pain | back pain | headache | somatic symptoms | eating disorders | sleep disorders | guilt | depression | fear | retraumatisation | return migration | decision making | family members | grief | emotional trauma | Yazidis, female | Iraqi refugees, female | rape victims, female | torture victims, female | Germany
    PLOS One ; vol. 15, no. 10
  • MON : 1996.224 : Not available for external loan
    Recurrent pains : a public health concern in school-age children : an investigation of headache, stomach pain, and back pain
    Nordiska Hälsovårdshögskolan (Nordic School of Public Health)
    Iceland | academic dissertation [publication type] | children | health | health services | youth | pain | stomach diseases | headache | back pain