Show record 1 to 10 of 35 from RCT
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  • ART : 32930 : Not available for external loan
    Prise de position de la Commission nationale de prévention de la torture (CNPT) au Comité des Nations unies contre la torture (CAT) concernant le 8ème rapport périodique de la Suisse
    UN. Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | torture criminalisation | torture definition | torture prevention effectiveness | NPMs role | financial support | detainee rights | access to lawyer | detainees, adult | juvenile detainees | legal aid accessibility | police personnel's role | suicide prevention effectiveness | medical examination on admission | immigration detention | administrative detention | prisoner rights | solitary confinement | Favra detention centre (Switzerland) | prison overcrowding | unaccompanied refugee minors, female | unaccompanied refugee minors, male | refugee reception policy | asylum seekers | forensic psychiatry | disciplinary procedures | psychiatric confinement | repatriation, involuntary | deportation proceedings | pandemic effects | counterterrorism | state compliance | domestic implementation | Switzerland
    Switzerland. Commission nationale de prévention de la torture (CNPT)
  • ART : 32338 : Not available for external loan
    Death by hunger strike : suicide or not?
    Taylor and Francis
    hunger strikers | mental health personnel | professional obligations | forced-feeding | suicide prevention | protest | assessment | intention | suicidal ideation | suicide classification | death in custody | hunger strikes effects | motivation | attitude to death | prisoners | United States | universal
    Psychiatry, psychology and law ; doi: 10.1080/13218719.2023.2175069
  • ART : 31857 : Not available for external loan
    The impact of religion and spirituality on suicide risk in veterans and refugees with posttraumatic stress disorder
    Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
    universal | refugees | veterans | PTSD | suicide prevention | protective factors | coping behaviour | religiosity | spirituality | adaptation | suicidal ideation | well-being | risk factors | positivism | negativism | psychometrics
    Journal of nervous and mental disease ; vol. 211, no. 1
  • TORT : 23.2.8 : Not available for external loan
    ‘I was lost in my life and they helped me find my way again’: Befriendee and befriender experiences of the Spirasi Befriending Programme for survivors of torture in Ireland
    torture victims treatment | NGO approaches | torture victims' role | social support | community-based interventions | friends' role | befriending | Spirasi-Irish National Centre for the Rehabilitation of Survivors of Torture | programme evaluation | refugees | victim participation | trust | adaptation | social adjustment | suicide prevention effectiveness | client satisfaction | focus groups | victim services | Ireland
    Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 33, no. 2
  • ART : 30121 : Not available for external loan
    Staff perspectives of safety planning as a suicide prevention intervention for people of refugee and asylum-seeker background
    Hogrefe and Huber
    Australia | refugees | asylum seekers | crisis intervention | suicide prevention | mental health interventions | treatment planning | attitude of mental health personnel | coping behaviour | safety
    Crisis ; vol. 43, no. 4
  • ART : 31129 : Not available for external loan
    Suicide in Muslim world and way forward
    Western Asia | universal | Northern Africa | suicide epidemiology | suicide prevention effectiveness | religion | warfare | risk factors | social stigma | missing data | cross-cultural comparison | Islam | Muslims | developing countries
    Health science reports ; vol. 5, no. 4
  • ART : 29922 : Not available for external loan
    The European human rights system and the right to life seen through suicide prevention in places of detention : between risk management and punishment
    Oxford University Press
    right to life | prison oversight | civil society's role | CPT's role | domestic implementation | ECHR-2 | risk management | human dignity | conflicting rights | prisoner rights | risk assessment | case law | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | regional human rights protection system's role | prisons | suicide prevention | legal protection | Europe
    Human rights law review ; vol. 22, no. 1
  • MON : 2022.048 : Not available for external loan
    Public health behind bars : from prisons to communities
    United States | Europe | prison health care delivery | community-institutional relations | medical records systems, computerised | mentally ill | primary health care | research ethics | evidence-based practice | substance-related disorders therapy | OPCAT | UNCAT-OP | UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Optional Protocol (2002) | CoE. European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment | NPMs | prison oversight | torture prevention | transgender persons | oral health | women's health services | prisoners, female | juvenile detention | disability evaluation | prisoner discipline | functioning | diagnostic errors | confounding factors | mental disorders diagnosis | suicide prevention | mental health care delivery | facility environment | prison conditions | nursing | mass screening | health promotion | sexually transmitted diseases prevention | tuberculosis prevention and control | risk assessment | hepatitis prevention and control | HIV/AIDS prevention and control | communicable disease control | prisoner reintegration | elderly | disabled persons | prisoner characteristics | prison health care quality | advocacy | human security | imprisonment effects | health policy | public health models
  • ART : 29957 : Not available for external loan
    A qualitative study of perceptions of risk and protective factors for suicide among Bhutanese refugees
    American Psychological Association
    United States | Bhutanese refugees, adult | risk perception | resettlement | exposure to violence | mental health status | risk factors | protective factors | postmigration factors | suicide prevention | vulnerable populations | substance use | family relations | social isolation | mental health services accessibility | qualitative methods
    Asian American journal of psychology ; vol. 12, no. 3
  • ART : 29500 : Not available for external loan
    Pushing them to the edge : suicide in immigrant detention centers as a product of organizational failure
    United States | imprisonment effects | immigration detention | suicidal ideation | racism | prison conditions | mental health status | detainees | stereotyping | human rights violations | family separation | prison conditions | suicide prevention effectiveness | confidentiality | institutional aspects
    Social science and medicine ; vol. 283