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TORT : 94.suppl.1.1 : Not available for external loan | |
Torture in the world : the interdisciplinary model at RCT | |
English | |
19940000 | |
Tived, Lone | |
torture victims treatment | vicarious traumatisation | occupational counselling | foreign language education | family reunification | housing | social work | counselling | swimming | physiotherapy | psychotherapy | drug administration | rheumatologist's role | client care team | dentist's role | medical doctor's role | nurses role | physical examination | family members | psychological assessment | referral and consultation | length of treatment | legal status | client characteristics | torture victim characteristics | torture purposes | torture victim statistics | refugees | torture prevalence | torture definition | Rehabilitation and Research Centre for Torture Victims (RCT) | treatment models | Denmark | |
Full text | |
Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; suppl. 1 | |
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MON : 1988.005 : Not available for external loan | |
Svømning under RCT foråret 1987 | |
19880300 | |
[s.n.] | |
Wogensen, Ulla | Thomsen, Hanne | Pedersen, Birgitte | Kirkedal, Mogens | |
health | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | Denmark | examination paper | health | torture | torture victims | torture victims treatment | swimming | RCT | |
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MON : 1986.003 : Not available for external loan | |
Idrætsaktiviteter under RCT efteråret 1986 | |
Danish | |
19870300 | |
[s.n.] | |
Wogensen, Ulla | Thomsen, Hanne | Pedersen, Birgitte | Kirkedal, Mogens | Paludan, Niels | |
Denmark | torture | gymnastics | swimming | |
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MON : 1987.110 : Not available for external loan | |
Idrætsaktiviteterne for RCTs børnegruppe i efteråret 1985 | |
Danish | |
19860000 | |
[s.n.] | |
Thomsen, Hanne | Paludan, Niels | Møller, Benny S. | |
Denmark | torture | gymnastics | swimming | children | |
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ART : 00288 : Not available for external loan | |
Swimmer's shoulder : the influence of flexibility and weight training | |
English | |
19850800 | |
Greipp, Joseph F. | |
universal | shoulder pain | athletic injuries | range of motion, articular | shoulder injuries | shoulder joint injuries | swimming | resistance training (exercise) | |
Physician and sports medicine ; vol. 13, no. 8 | |
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ART : 02693 : Not available for external loan | |
Effects of chronic exposure to stressors on avoidance-escape behavior and on brain norepinephrine | |
English | |
19751100 | |
Weiss, Jay M. | Glazer, Howard I. | Pohorecky, Larissa A. | Brick, John | Miller, Neal E. | |
universal | psychological stress | physiology | escape reaction | brain metabolism | avoidance learning | time factors | swimming | reaction time | electroshock | temperature, cold | |
Psychosomatic medicine ; vol. 37, no. 6 | |
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