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ART : 30270 : Not available for external loan | |
Providing health care in politically charged contexts : a qualitative study about experiences during a public collective hunger strike of asylum seekers in Germany | |
English | |
20221200 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Haselwarter, Dominik | Wild, Verina | Kuehlmeyer, Katja | |
hunger strikes | health care delivery | medical doctor's role | medical ethics | international ethical instruments | asylum seekers | emergency responders | moral dilemmas | therapeutic processes | doctor-patient relations | decision making | loyalty | attitude of health personnel | Germany | |
Full text in open access | |
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being ; vol. 17, no. 1 | |
ART : 24761 : Not available for external loan | |
The psychotherapeutic care of refugees in Europe : treatment needs, delivery reality and recommendations for action | |
English | |
20180625 | |
Taylor and Francis | |
Munz, Dietrich | Melcop, Nikolaus | |
Europe | refugees | health services needs and demand | mental health status | health care delivery | psychotherapy | therapeutic processes | emotional trauma | letter [publication type] | commentary [publication type] | asylum seekers | comorbidity | depressive disorder | predisposition | epidemiology | cross-cultural aspects | professional standards | |
Full text in open access | |
European journal of psychotraumatology ; vol. 8, no. 1 | |
ART : 22271 : Not available for external loan | |
Evaluative language in physiotherapy practice : how does it contribute to the therapeutic relationship? | |
English | |
20151000 | |
Elsevier | |
Josephson, Iréne | Woodward-Kron, Robyn | Delany, Clare | Hiller, Amy | |
Sweden | Australia | physiotherapy | professional-client relations | communication | physical fitness | emotions | sensation | discourse | self report | decision making | cross-cultural comparison | rehabilitation | pain | psychological models | patient-centred care | language | therapeutic processes | |
Social science and medicine ; vol. 143 | |
ART : 21282 : Not available for external loan | |
Officers and drug counsellors : new occupational identities in Nordic prisons | |
English | |
20150300 | |
Oxford University Press | |
Kolind, Torsten | Frank, Vibeke A. | Lindberg, Odd | Tourunen, Jouni | |
Denmark | Sweden | Finland | Norway | prisons | substance abuse treatment | prison personnel | occupations | counsellors | role expectations | personal values | disciplinary measures | authoritarianism | social control | attitude of health personnel | cross-national comparison | therapeutic processes | professional-client relations | |
British journal of criminology ; vol. 55, no. 2 | |
ART : 20717 : Not available for external loan | |
Introduction : rights-based versus conventional needs-based approaches to clinical practice | |
English | |
20150000 | |
Springer | |
Berthold, S. Megan | |
United States | universal | social work | torture victims | psychological resilience | community mental health services | child abuse | mental health services | survivors | emotional trauma | trust | therapeutic environment | therapeutic processes | vulnerable populations | equal opportunities | human dignity | cultural competency | definitions | human rights | comparative study | theoretical models | curriculum | trauma-informed care | |
Human rights-based approaches to clinical social work. - ISBN: 978-3-319-08559-3 | |
MON : 2017.035 : Not available for external loan | |
Feedback Informed Treatment : danske manualer | |
Danish | |
20120000 | |
International Center for Clinical Excellence | |
Miller, Scott D. | Bertolino, Bob | |
978-1530413157 | |
universal | Feedback Informed Treatment (FIT) | manual | treatment | clinical competence | therapists | therapy | treatment outcome | measurement | feedback | rating scales | client satisfaction | couples therapy | family therapy | children | empirical methods | checklists | professional competence | vulnerable populations | therapeutic processes | therapeutic alliance | psychometrics | |
ART : 12950 : Not available for external loan | |
Mystery of the silent dog : an exercise for understanding culture in clinical practice | |
English | |
20050700 | |
Guilford | |
Beaudoin, Marie-Nathalie | |
universal | clinical psychology | cultural competency | mental health services | sociocultural factors | therapeutic processes | psychotherapists | bias | cultural sensitivity | awareness | |
Journal of systemic therapies ; vol. 24, no. 2 | |
ART : 12027 : Not available for external loan | |
Systemic family therapy can be manualized : research process and findings | |
English | |
20030800 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Pote, H. | Stratton, P. | Cottrell, D. | Shapiro, D. | Boston, P. | |
United Kingdom | family systems theory | family therapy | ethics | psychotherapy | group psychotherapy | therapeutic processes | treatment outcome | manual development | |
Journal of family therapy ; vol. 25, no. 3 | |
ART : 09411 : Not available for external loan | |
Outbreaks of medically unexplained physical symptoms after military action, terrorist threat, or technological disaster | |
English | |
20011200 | |
Association of Military Surgeons of the United States | |
Engel, Charles C. | |
United States | armed conflict | terrorism | Emergencies | Psychophysiologic disorders | Diagnosis | Epidemiology | Treatment | disease outbreaks | Doctor-patient relations | Public opinion | symptoms | Therapeutic processes | trust | Survivors | |
Military medicine ; vol. 166, no. 12 supplement | |
MON : 2000.209 : Not available for external loan | |
Healing dramas and clinical plots : the narrative structure of experience | |
English | |
19980000 | |
Cambridge University | |
Mattingly, Cheryl | |
0 521 63994 8 | |
United States | universal | culture | narration | occupational therapy | therapeutic processes | occupational therapists | hospitalised patients | anthropology | |