| ART : 29103 : Not available for external loan
| Tortures alleged by migrants in Italy : compatibility and other medicolegal challenges |
| English |
| 20210700 |
| Springer |
| Ilenia, Bianchi | Martina, Focardi | Valentina, Bugelli | Pradella, Francesco | Carlo, Giolli | Francesca, Friani | Vilma, Pinchi |
| forensic evaluation of torture | asylum proceedings | practice patterns, medical | country of origin | asylum seekers | torture victim characteristics | wounds and injuries | physical effects of torture | torture method-effect correlation effectiveness | torture methods | torture instruments | perpetrator characteristics | torture allegations | torture purposes | flight | forced labour | former detainees | Africans, adult, male | evidence of torture | Istanbul Protocol effectiveness | medico-legal reports | ASL Toscana Centro (Florence, Italy) | physical examination | disability evaluation | beatings | burns | gunshot wounds | prison conditions | prisoner treatment | tooth loss | bone fractures | wounds, penetrating | scars | body parts | electric burns | sexual abuse | falanga [torture method] | suspension [torture method] | physical restraint adverse effects | whipping [torture method] | nails injuries | Italy | Libya | universal |
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| International journal of legal medicine ; vol. 135, no. 6 |
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