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  • ART : 29103 : Not available for external loan
    Tortures alleged by migrants in Italy : compatibility and other medicolegal challenges
    forensic evaluation of torture | asylum proceedings | practice patterns, medical | country of origin | asylum seekers | torture victim characteristics | wounds and injuries | physical effects of torture | torture method-effect correlation effectiveness | torture methods | torture instruments | perpetrator characteristics | torture allegations | torture purposes | flight | forced labour | former detainees | Africans, adult, male | evidence of torture | Istanbul Protocol effectiveness | medico-legal reports | ASL Toscana Centro (Florence, Italy) | physical examination | disability evaluation | beatings | burns | gunshot wounds | prison conditions | prisoner treatment | tooth loss | bone fractures | wounds, penetrating | scars | body parts | electric burns | sexual abuse | falanga [torture method] | suspension [torture method] | physical restraint adverse effects | whipping [torture method] | nails injuries | Italy | Libya | universal
    International journal of legal medicine ; vol. 135, no. 6
  • TORT : 92.suppl.1.9 : Not available for external loan
    Odontological treatment of torture victims
    medical documentation of torture | practice guidelines | retraumatisation | interviewing | facility environment | cultural competency | communication, nonverbal | trust | interpreters | doctor-patient relations | biomarkers | social stress | musculoskeletal pain | peer group | torture victims | psychological stress | mental disorders | bruxism | masticatory muscles | oral ulcer | oral manifestations | dental papilla | gingivitis | root caries | toothache | dental caries | facial pain | temporomandibular joint disorders | headache, posttraumatic | dental pulp necrosis | dental enamel fractures | dentin sensitivity | tooth extraction | tooth avulsion | tooth loss | physical effects of torture | forensic evaluation of torture | signs and symptoms | physical examination | submarino [torture method] | neck injuries | electric torture | facial injuries | tooth injuries | head injuries | dental torture | torture methods | dentist's role | torture victims treatment | universal
    Torture : quarterly journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture; suppl. 1