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ART : 31871 : Not available for external loan | |
Perspectives on torture in Africa | |
English | |
20130000 | |
Springer | |
Dalley, Mahlon | Hundal, Savreen | Banda, Davies | Akhurst, Jacqui | Abdelkader, Abdelali | Famose, Adeniyi | Scruggs, Natoschia | Correia, Eduardo | |
attitude to torture | prisoner treatment | prisoners of war | regional processes | culture | politics | economics | conflict | warfare | torture definition | armed conflict definition | terrorism definition | social surveys | cross-national comparison | causality | torture victims characteristics | determinants of victimisation | torture methods | determinants of torture | torture justifiability | morality | public opinion | motivation | developing countries | Africa | Algeria | Botswana | Egypt | Ghana | Nigeria | South Africa | Zambia | |
International handbook of war, torture, and terrorism. (Peace psychology book series) / Kathleen Malley-Morrison, Sherri McCarthy, Denise Hines (eds.) - ISBN 978-1-4614-1637-1 | |