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  • TORT : 19.2.4 : Not available for external loan
    Protocol on Medico-Legal Documentation of Sleep Deprivation
    sleep deprivation [torture method] | medical documentation of torture | practice guidelines | psychological torture | detention | prison conditions | forensic evaluation of torture | interrogation | test construction | NGO approaches | DIGNITY projects | pilot projects | test validity | data collection | interviewing | Protocol on Medico-Legal Documentation of Sleep Deprivation (text) | torture victims | medical history taking | prison conditions | physical effects of torture | psychological effects of torture | physiological effects | detainees | intentionality | false memory | false confessions | legal confessions | torture purposes | long-term effects | fatigue | suffering | pain perception | dissociation | hopelessness | self-injurious behaviour | suicidal ideation | somatoform disorders | emotions | self-assessment | judgment | memory | cognition | attention | perception | severity of treatment | diary method | informed consent | torturing environment definition | threats | combined modality torture | facility environment | cognition disorders | time disorientation | hallucinations | psychosis | mood disorders | anxiety | pain perception | universal human rights protection system | international instruments | regional human rights protection systems | case law | rest | sleep disruption | time factors | classification | definitions | intentionality | long-term effects | torture threshold | suffering | emotional symptoms | psychological assessment | cognitive symptoms | DIGNITY staff publications | universal
    Torture : journal on rehabilitation of torture victims and prevention of torture ; vol. 29, no. 2
  • MON : 2016.336 : Not available for external loan
    Psychological torture : definition, evaluation and measurement
    Taylor and Francis
    universal | torture | sleep deprivation | fear | self-control | biomarkers | emotions | neuropsychology | evidence of torture | emotional trauma | world view | functioning | psychological effects | pain | social isolation | solitary confinement | brainwashing | psychometrics | magnetic resonance imaging | brain | Torturing Environment Scale | credibility assessment | checklists | rating scales | questionnaires | Semi-structured Interview for Torture Survivors - Exposure to Torture Scale (text) | Torture Checklist (text) | Torture Screening Checklist, Revised (TSCL-R) (text) | Vital Impact Assessment Questionnaire - VIVO questionnaire (text) | Standardized Evaluation Form for Credibility Assessment (SEC) | Intentionality Assessment Checklist (IAC) | combined modality | torture effectiveness | psychological torture | interrogation | definitions | classification | international human rights law | humiliation | psychological effects | psychology | law | torturers | motivation | determinants of torture | torture purposes | torture methods | neurobiology | interrogation techniques | human dignity | counterterrorism | self concept | technology | Istanbul Protocol | measurement | sexual torture | political detainees | incommunicado detention | state terror | rape | prison conditions | inhuman treatment | indicators | medical documentation of torture | forensic evaluation of torture