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    The development and drafting of the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
    UN. Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984) | prosecution for torture | impunity | UNCAT-22 | UNCAT-21 | complaint procedures, inter-state | complaint procedures, individual | reporting procedures | UN. Committee Against Torture | domestic implementation | cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment | reparations for torture | universal jurisdiction | torture threshold | UNCAT-1 | UN General Assembly's role | psychological effects of torture | physiological effects of torture | torture effects | torture method terminology | training of torturers | international complicity | mutilation | eye removal [torture method] | pins under nails [torture method] | government policy | sitting position without support [torture method] | wearing shoes containing small stones while standing for long periods [torture methods] | death in custody | apartheid | torture purposes | asphyxia | submarino, wet [torture method] | animals [torture instruments] | sexual torture | drink deprivation | food deprivation | electric torture | torture method development | review [publication type] | torture definition | UN. Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1975) | judicial personnel | lawyers | World Psychiatric Association (WPA) | medical ethics of torture | World Medical Association (WMA) | torture prevention | medical societies' role | medical participation in torture | code of ethics | antitorture campaigns | Amnesty International (AI) | psychiatric abuse | torture effects | combined modality torture | counterterrorism | commission of inquiry | interrogation techniques | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | judicial decisions | counterinsurgencies | Cold War | prisoner treatment | freedom from torture | international legal instruments | genocide | tear gases | irritants in closed spaces [torture method] | democracy | policing | sterilisation, involuntary | human experimentation | mass killings | concentration camps | prisoner punishment | degrading treatment | forced labour | political opposition | family members of political detainees | medical involvement in torture | whipping [torture method] | exhaustion exercises | environmental stress | prison conditions | Nazism | interrogation | criminal investigation | labour camps | political imprisonment | repression strategies | communism | state terror | abolition of torture | Beccaria, Cesare | thumbscrew [torture instrument] | water torture | sleep deprivation [torture method] | burning [torture method] | torture victims, female | torture victims, child | tightening of cords around wrists [torture method] | bone breaking [torture method] | torture instruments | leg-brace | leg-screw | strappado [torture method] | trial procedure | criminal procedure | evidence standards | jurisprudence | legal confessions, false | torture effectiveness | lacerations | burning [torture method] | rack [torture instrument] | torture methods | social hierarchies | corporal punishment | judicial torture | legal confessions | slavery | criminal justice | Roman World | historical aspects of torture | international human rights law | drafting history | UNCAT | universal | United States | South Africa | Argentina | Brazil | Northern Ireland [United Kingdom] | United Kingdom | Algeria | France | Germany | USSR | Europe
    Boston College international and comparative law review ; vol. 17, no. 2