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ART : 13766 : Not available for external loan | |
Improved work ability and return to work following vocational multidisciplinary rehabilitation of subjects on long-term sick leave | |
English | |
20070000 | |
Foundation for Rehabilitation Information | |
Braathen, Tore Norendal | Veiersted, Kaj Bo | Heggenes, Jan | |
Norway | comparative study | follow-up studies | rehabilitation | outcome assessment | questionnaires | vocational rehabilitation | sick leave | social support | socioeconomic factors | time factors | work capacity evaluation | |
Journal of rehabilitation medicine ; vol. 39, no. 6 | |
ART : 13895 : Not available for external loan | |
Agreement of a work-capacity assessment with the World Health Organisation International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health pain sets and back-to-work predictors | |
English | |
20060900 | |
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins | |
Schult, Marie-Louise | Ekholm, Jan | |
universal | health status | recovery of function | World Health Organization (WHO) | WHO | labour | International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) | diagnosis | work capacity evaluation | workers | pain | |
International journal of rehabilitation research ; vol. 29, no. 3 | |
ART : 13894 : Not available for external loan | |
Are functional capacity evaluations affected by the patient's pain? | |
English | |
20060400 | |
Springer | |
Gross, Douglas P. | |
universal | review [publication type] | psychology | disability evaluation | physiopathology | work capacity evaluation | occupational injuries | pain | |
Current pain and headache reports ; vol. 10, no. 2 | |
MON : 2017.100 : Not available for external loan | |
Kompetenceafklaring af flygtninge med skader efter tortur og traumer | |
Danish | |
20060400 | |
Videnscenter Midt-Vest | |
Mortensen, Irene Quist (ed.) | Slot, Ann Louise (ed.) | Stevnhøj, Anna Louise (ed.) | |
87-91929-00-8 | |
Denmark | refugees | work capacity evaluation | trauma | ptsd | symptoms | social isolation | social identification | methods | professional-client relations | professional practice | torture victims | social work | professional competence | |
Videnscenter Midt-Vest | |
ART : 12803 : Not available for external loan | |
Long-term sick-listing among women in the public sector and its associations with age, social situation, lifestyle, and work factors : a three-year follow-up study | |
English | |
20050000 | |
Sage | |
Vingård, Eva | Lindberg, Per | Josephson, Malin | Voss, Margaretha | Heijbel, Bodil | Alfredsson, Lars | Stark, Stefan | Nygren, Åke | |
Sweden | statistical information | women | health status | sick leave | life style | risk factors | socioeconomic factors | work capacity evaluation | working conditions | public sector | follow up studies | |
Full text (free to in-house users) | |
Scandinavian journal of public health ; vol. 33, no. 5 | |
ART : 10574 : Not available for external loan | |
Work-related beliefs about injury and physical capability for work in individuals with chronic pain | |
English | |
20030200 | |
Elsevier | |
Vowles, Kevin E. | Gross, Richard T. | |
United States | chronic pain | Fear | Activities of daily living | disability evaluation | avoidance learning | Questionnaires | Physiotherapy | Treatment outcome | Work capacity evaluation | Wounds and injuries | |
Pain ; vol. 101, no. 3 | |
ART : 07431 : Not available for external loan | |
Validity of the Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale (PASS) : prediction of physical capacity variables | |
English | |
20000200 | |
Burns, John W. | Mullen, John T. | Higdon, Laura J. | Wei, Ju Mei | Lansky, David | |
United States | pain | physiopathology | physical endurance | anxiety | work capacity evaluation | weight lifting | occupational health | exercise test | forecasting | Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale (PASS) | psychiatric status rating scales | pain measurement | |
Pain ; vol. 84, no. 2-3 | |
ART : 07401 : Not available for external loan | |
Validity of the pain anxiety symptoms scale (PASS): prediction of physical capacity variables | |
English | |
20000200 | |
Burns, John W. | Mullen, John T. | Higdon, LAura J. | Wei, Ju Mei | Lansky, David | |
United States | pain measurement | pain | physiopathology | exercise test | forecasting | occupational health | weight lifting | work capacity evaluation | men | anxiety | physical endurance | psychiatric status rating scales | Pain Anxiety Symptoms Scale (PASS) | |
Pain; vol. 84, no. 2-3 | |
ART : 10024 : Not available for external loan | |
Impaired mobility and impaired working capacity among foreign born people and native born Swedes | |
English | |
19980100 | |
Pudaric, Sonja | Sundquist, Jan | Johansson, Sven-Erik | |
Sweden | work capacity evaluation | movement disorders | epidemiology | ethnology | educational status | socioeconomic factors | sex factors | cross-sectional studies | Swedes | Sami people | |
Full text | |
Journal of epidemiology and community health ; vol. 52, no. 1 | |
ART : 13020 : Not available for external loan | |
A Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) and the role of fear-avoidance beliefs in chronic low back pain and disability | |
English | |
19930200 | |
Waddell, Gordon | Newton, Mary | Henderson, Iain | Somerville, Douglas | Main, Chris J. | |
United Kingdom | disabled persons | chronic pain | low back pain | sciatica | test construction | activities of daily living | disability evaluation | fear | physiology | attitude | avoidance | questionnaires | absenteeism | work capacity evaluation | psychology | Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ) | |
Pain ; vol. 52, no. 2 | |