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ART : 03425 : Not available for external loan | |
Adolescent anxiety following varying degrees of war exposure | |
English | |
19850100 | |
Saigh, Philip A. | |
Lebanon | adolescents | anxiety disorders | warfare | Lebanese | students | longitudinal study [publication type] | questionnaires | displaced persons | PTSD | |
Journal of clinical child psychology ; vol. 14, no. 4 | |
ART : 07231 : Not available for external loan | |
Entrapment neuropathies of the upper extremity | |
English | |
19850100 | |
Morgan, Raymond F. | Terranova, William | Nichter, Larry S. | Edgerton, Milton T. | |
universal | carpal tunnel syndrome | nerve compression syndromes | diagnosis | classification | physiopathology | therapy | nerves | elbow | forearm | |
American family physician ; vol. 31, no. 1 | |
ART : 02081 : Not available for external loan | |
Understanding Bateson and Maturana : toward a biological foundation for the social sciences | |
English | |
19850100 | |
Dell, Paul F. | |
universal | biology | knowledge | metaphysics | social sciences | Bateson, Gregory | Maturana, Humberto | self concept | theoretical models | philosophy | |
Journal of marital and family therapy ; vol. 11, no. 1 | |
ART : 21686 : Not available for external loan | |
Guilt and aggression in Vietnam veterans | |
English | |
19850100 | |
Glover, Hillel | |
United States | Viet Nam | veterans | killings | armed conflict | war crimes | effects on perpetrators | guilt | aggression | depression | paranoid disorders | PTSD | psychotherapy | |
American journal of social psychiatry ; vol. 5, no. 1 | |
ART : 00062 : Not available for external loan | |
NS-Vergangenheit, ein Aktualkonflikt | |
German | |
19850100 | |
Wilke, Hans-Joachim | |
Germany | psychological models | Holocaust survivors | former prisoners | concentration camps | psychoanalysis | victimisation | |
Analytische psychologie ; vol. 16, no. 1 | |