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VHS : [video no. 15] : Not available for external loan | |
Hospital de clinicas | |
English | |
[19850500] | |
Telemundo 12 | |
Uruguay | health services | hospitals | |
Telemundo 12 | |
ART : 08853 : Not available for external loan | |
Monitoring and evaluating health services | |
English | |
19850500 | |
Ware, John E. | |
universal | health services | health status indicators | health services research | research design | |
Medical care ; vol. 23, no. 5 | |
ART : 06196 : Not available for external loan | |
Rådgivningscenter for flygtninge : psykologer tilbyder hjælp | |
English | |
19850500 | |
Hansen, Regner | |
Denmark | mental health | refugees | psychology | CEPAR | treatment | counselling | therapy | treatment centres | |
Flygtningenyt ; no. 4 | |
ART : 03099 : Not available for external loan | |
The McGill Pain Questionnaire in the assessment of phasic and tonic experimental pain : behavioral evaluation of the pain inhibiting pain effect | |
English | |
19850500 | |
Chen, Andrew C. N. | Treede, Rolf-Detlef | |
universal | pain | diagnosis | physiopathology | McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) | psychological tests | pain threshold | pain perception | questionnaires | |
Pain ; vol. 22, no. 1 | |
MON : 1985.002 : Not available for external loan | |
Den psykosociale effekt af fysisk aktivitet hos børn af torturramte familier | |
Danish | |
19850500 | |
Danmarks Højskole for Legemsøvelser | |
Pedersen, Birgitte D. | Wogensen, Ulla | Skov, Peter | Steen Møller, Benny | |
Denmark | torture | children | psychological effects | RCT | gymnastics | |
MON : 2009.116 : Not available for external loan | |
Handbook of declarations | |
English | |
19850500 | |
WMA | |
0 9510521 0 1 | |
universal | Declarations (text) | international organisations | health | health services | health personnel | medical ethics | |
World Medical Association | WMA | |
ART : 02542 : Not available for external loan | |
Secondary traumatization in children of Vietnam veterans | |
English | |
19850500 | |
Rosenheck, Robert | Nathan, Pramila | |
United States | veterans | offspring | vicarious traumatisation | PTSD | father-child relations | comparative study | Holocaust survivors | child behaviour disorders | etiology | case report [publication type] | combat disorders | family | emotional trauma | Vietnam war | intergenerational effects | |
Hospital and community psychiatry ; vol. 36, no. 5 | |
ART : 02005 : Not available for external loan | |
A comparison of patient and staff attitudes toward seclusion | |
English | |
19850500 | |
Soliday, Stanley M. | |
United States | commitment of mentally ill | psychiatric hospitals | hospitalisation | solitary confinement | social isolation | psychotic disorders | torture | psychiatry | dangerous behaviour | patient advocacy | attitude of health personnel | attitude to health | mental disorders | |
Journal of nervous and mental disease ; vol. 173, no. 5 | |
ART : 02002 : Not available for external loan | |
Comments on Dr. Stanley M. Soliday's "A comparison of patient and staff attitudes toward seclusion" | |
English | |
19850500 | |
Jensen, Knud | |
universal | solitary confinement, medical | psychiatric hospitals | inpatients | attitude of health personnel | attitude | social isolation | commentary [publication type] | |
Journal of nervous and mental disease ; vol. 173, no. 5 | |
MON : 1985.098 : Not available for external loan | |
Den centrale eftersøgningstjeneste | |
Danish | |
19850500 | |
Dansk Røde Kors | |
87-87648-14-8 | |
Denmark | Danish Red Cross | information centres | information systems | |
Dansk Røde Kors | |