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ART : 08266 : Not available for external loan | |
Failure of rapport: why psychotherapeutic engagement fails in the treatment of Asian clients | |
English | |
19851000 | |
Tsui, Philip | Schultz, Gail L. | |
United States | psychotherapy | professional-client relations | Asians | acculturation | client characteristics | defence mechanisms (psychology) | self disclosure | shame | psychotherapeutic processes | case report [publication type] | |
American journal of orthopsychiatry ; vol. 55, no. 4 | |
ART : 01220 : Not available for external loan | |
Mot tortyr | |
Swedish | |
19851000 | |
Bloch, Inge | Svendsen, Grete | |
Denmark | RCT | torture | |
Invandrare | |
ART : 01456 : Not available for external loan | |
Offren får alsidig hjälp | |
Swedish | |
19851000 | |
Horvath-Lindberg, Judit | |
Sweden | torture | treatment centres | |
Invandrare | |
ART : 00600 : Not available for external loan | |
The defense process in posttraumatic stress disorder | |
English | |
19851000 | |
Emery, Poul E. | Emery, Olga B. | |
universal | PTSD | combat disorders | defence mechanisms (psychology) | adaptation | adult | ego | reality testing | psychotherapy | self concept | psychoanalysis | case reports | psychotherapeutic processes | |
American journal of psychotherapy ; vol. 39, no. 4 | |
ART : 02280 : Not available for external loan | |
Adaptive abilities in nonclinical second-generation Holocaust survivors and controls : a comparison | |
English | |
19851000 | |
Russell, Axel | Plotkin, Donna | Heapy, Nelson | |
Germany | United States | statistical information | Holocaust survivors | Jews | questionnaires | adaptation | concentration camps | second generation | offspring | |
American journal of psychotherapy ; vol. 39, no. 4 | |
ART : 10277 : Not available for external loan | |
Police performance and state rule : control and autonomy in the exercise of coercion | |
English | |
19851000 | |
City University of New York | |
Marenin, Otwin | |
universal | police | state (political entity) | organisation and administration | policing | politics | law and order | belief systems | |
Comparative politics ; vol. 18, no. 1 | |
ART : 03865 : Not available for external loan | |
The psychopathological effects of the political repression on children and adolescents, relatives of the disappeared ones in Argentina | |
English | |
19851000 | |
Rozzolo, Raquel | Kordon, Diana | |
Argentina | typescript [publication type] | offspring | family | disappeared persons | psychological effects | |
Art : 13551 : Not available for external loan | |
Political strategies and the state : some historical observations | |
English | |
19851000 | |
Davis, Dennis | Fine, Robert | |
South Africa | Social Movements | strategic planning | strategies | transition to democracy | apartheid | repression | social groups | conflict | Political Opposition | |
Journal of Southern African studies ; vol. 12, no. 1, | |
ART : 23339 : Not available for external loan | |
Alien Tort Claims Act - sovereign immunity - torts committed against the law of nations - expropriation | |
English | |
19851000 | |
American Society of International Law | |
[s.n.] | |
Argentina | United States | torture | repression | expropriation | state responsibility | civil proceedings | torts | Alien Tort Claims Act (legislation, United States) | reparations | case report [publication type] | sovereign immunity | judicial decisions | national law | |
American journal of international law ; vol. 79, no. 4 | |
ART : 00880 : Not available for external loan | |
A prospective study of the effect of a shock-absorbing orthotic device on the incidence of stress fractures in military recruits | |
English | |
19851000 | |
Milgrom, C. | Giladi, M. | Kashtan, H. | Simkin, A. | Chisin, R. | Margulies, J. | Steinberg, R. | Aharonson, Z. | Stein, M. | |
universal | orthotic devices | bone fractures | etiology | mechanical stress | military personnel | shoes | prospective studies | |
Foot and ankle ; vol. 6, no. 2 | |