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MON : 1988.071 : Not available for external loan | |
The Minnesota protocol : preventing arbitrary killing through an adequate death investigation and autopsy | |
19870600 | |
Minnesota Lawyers International Human Rights Committee [D] | |
universal | forensic medicine | autopsy | exhumation | guidelines | killings | |
Minnesota Lawyers International Human Rights Committee. Subcommittee on Inquiry Procedures | |
MON : 1987.086 : Not available for external loan | |
Speciale [i psykologi] | |
Danish | |
19870600 | |
[Københavns universitet] | |
Mikkelsen, Danielle | Nielsen, Aase | |
Chile | Denmark | universal | student paper [publication type] | psychological torture | women | psychotherapy | torturers | refugees | |
MON : 1989.091 : Not available for external loan | |
Historia de los Tupamaros : tomo 2 : El nacimiento | |
Spanish | |
19870600 | |
Tae editorial | |
Huidobro, E. Fernandez | |
Uruguay | grundkat | |
ART : 04215 : Not available for external loan | |
Children in places of detention : a code for their handling | |
English | |
19870600 | |
South Africa | children | detention | prison conditions | national law | child abuse | civilian population | criminal law | detainees | prisoners | human rights | human rights violations | |
South African Medical Journal ; suppl 1 | |
South African Paediatric Association | |
MON : 1987.051 : Not available for external loan | |
Kampuchea : political imprisonment and torture | |
English | |
19870600 | |
Amnesty International | |
0 86210 124 7 | |
Democratic Kampuchea | torture | political detainees | Amnesty International (AI) | torture methods | |
Amnesty International | |
ART : 00661 : Not available for external loan | |
Folgen nationalsozialistischer verfolgung bei jüdischen nachkommen überlebender in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | |
German | |
19870600 | |
Grünberg, Kurt | |
Germany | Jews | second generation | social identification | parent-child relations | Holocaust survivors | guilt | psychology | offspring | emotional trauma | psychoanalysis | persecution | family relations | separation individuation | social environment | social isolation | |
Psyche: Zeitschrift für psychoanalyse und ihre anwendungen ; vol. 41, no. 6 | |
Delivery of service to victims of torture : current experiences of RCT | |
English | |
19870600 | |
RCT | |
Somnier, Finn E. | Bloch, Inge | |
Denmark | torture | RCT | therapy | |
ART : 02759 : Not available for external loan | |
Interventive interviewing : Part II. Reflexive questioning as means to enable self-healing | |
English | |
19870600 | |
Tomm, Karl | |
universal | family therapy | adaptation | professional-client relations | problem solving | psychological interview | psychotherapeutic processes | behaviour modification | |
Family process ; vol. 26, no. 2 | |
MON : 1987.008 : Not available for external loan | |
L'honneur perdu des eveques argentins : la collaboration des eveques catholiques dans la pratique des disparitions forcees et de la torture sous la dictature argentine | |
French | |
19870600 | |
Association Internationale Contre la Torture | |
Longchamps, Albert | Perrot, Alain | Pury, Sylvain de | |
Argentina | torture | Association Internationale Contre la Torture (AICT) | Catholic Church | disappeared persons | complicity | |
MON : 1987.019 : Not available for external loan | |
Parotani : Informe sobre la represion a los campesinos : Mayo de 1987 | |
19870600 | |
ASOFAMD [d] | |
Bolivia | human rights violations | disappeared persons | family | minority groups | |
Asociacion de Familiares de Detenidos, Desaparecidos y Martires por la Liberacion Nacional | ASOFAMD | |