Show record 1 to 10 of 29 from RCT
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  • MON : 1990.172 : Not available for external loan
    Punishment season : human rights in China after martial law
    Human Rights Watch
    repression | torture | prison conditions | detainees | death penalty | China | United States | Tibet [China] | statistical information | repression | torture | prison conditions | detainees | death penalty | emergency legislation | repression | dissidents | criminal justice | prisons | detainees | cases
    Asia Watch Committee | HRW
  • ART : 22329 : Not available for external loan
    Isolation and restraint in juvenile correctional facilities
    American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
    United States | children in conflict with the law | adolescents | prisons | solitary confinement, punitive | physical restraint | juvenile justice | prisoner rehabilitation | time factors
    Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry ; vol. 29, no. 2
  • ART : 00096 : Not available for external loan
    Women as torture victims
    Canada | Central America | South America | comparative study | mental disorders | etiology | retrospective studies | sex factors | sexual dysfunctions, psychological | sexual torture | torture | torture victims, male | torture victims, female | sexual abuse | women | refugees | rape | mental health
    Canadian journal of psychiatry ; vol. 35, no. 2
  • ART : 03106 : Not available for external loan
    Musculoskeletal measures of orofacial pain
    United States | facial pain | temporomandibular joint disorders | masticatory muscles | diagnosis | pain measurement | observer variation | reproducibility of results | musculoskeletal diseases | chronic pain
    Anesthesia progress: a journal for pain and anxiety control ; vol. 37, no. 2-3
  • ART : 01124 : Not available for external loan
    When laws and values conflict : comment to Pope and Bajt
    universal | torture | child abuse
    American psychologist ; vol. 45, no. 3
  • ART : 06515 : Not available for external loan
    1987 års europeiska konvention till förhindrande av tortyr och omänsklig eller förnedrande behandling eller bestraffning
    Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
    Europe | torture prevention | prisoner treatment | prison conditions | treaties | international instruments | drafting history | international human rights law | regional human rights protection systems | prisons | prisoner treatment | ECPT | CoE. European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1987)
    1987 års europeiska konvention till förhindrande av tortyr och omänsklig eller förnedrande behandling eller bestraffning / Love Kellberg
  • ART : 02009 : Not available for external loan
    On being ethical in unethical places : the dilemmas of South African clinical psychologists
    South Africa | ethical dilemmas | apartheid | psychologists | treatment | politics
    Hastings Center report ; vol. 20, no. 2
  • MON : 1990.104 : Not available for external loan
    Ett nutida äventyr i Sydamerika : en svensk familjs närkontakt med det chilenska samhäldet
    Centrum för invandringsforskning [D]
    Chile | grundkat
  • MON : 1990.010 : Not available for external loan
    The broken Palmyra : the Tamil crisis in Sri Lanka : an inside account
    Sri Lanka Studies Institute [D]
    Sri Lanka | human rights violations | armed conflict
  • ART : 00120 : Not available for external loan
    Treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder with amitriptyline and placebo
    United States | anxiety disorders | diagnosis | comorbidity | mental disorders | outcome and process assessment | panic | placebo effect | PTSD | drug therapy | veterans
    Archives of general psychiatry ; vol. 47, no. 3