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MON : 1991.168 : Not available for external loan | |
National human rights institutions in Africa | |
19910900 | |
African Centre for Democracy and Human Rights Studies = Centre Africain pour la Democratie et les Etudes des Droits de l'Homme | |
Carver, Richard | Hunt, Paul | |
Africa | Benin | Cameroon | Equatorial Guinea | Gabon | Gambia | Ghana | Mauritius | Namibia | Nigeria | Tanzania, United Republic of | Togo | Uganda | Zaire | Zambia | Zimbabwe | human rights | organisations | |
ART : 03965 : Not available for external loan | |
Osteonecrosis in the foot | |
English | |
19910900 | |
Drury, Patricia | Sartoris, David J. | |
United States | foot diseases | osteonecrosis | diagnosis | etiology | magnetic resonance imaging | |
Journal of foot surgery ; vol. 30, no. 5 | |
ART : 03677 : Not available for external loan | |
Developmental consequences of living in dangerous and unstable environments : the situation of refugee children | |
19910900 | |
Garbarino, James | Kostelny, Kathleen | Dubrow, Nancy | |
universal | statistical information | typescript [publication type] | adaptation | psychological resilience | child development | trauma | fear | children | mental health | refugees | psychology | family | |
ART : 05649 : Not available for external loan | |
Recurrent nightmares in posttraumatic stress disorder : association with sleep paralysis, hypnopompic hallucinations, and REM sleep | |
English | |
19910900 | |
Hudson, James I. | Manoach, Dara S. | Sabo, Alex N. | Sternbach, Stephen E. | |
United States | PTSD | sleep disorders | etiology | case report [publication type] | paralysis | hallucinations | dreams | alcohol abuse | nightmares | drug abuse | rape victims | torture victims | women | psychiatry | |
Journal of nervous and mental disease ; vol. 179, no. 9 | |
ART : 05590 : Not available for external loan | |
An evolutionary analysis of psychological pain following human (Homo sapiens) rape : IV : the effect of the nature of the sexual assault | |
English | |
19910900 | |
Thornhill, Nancy Wilmsen | Thornhill, Randy | |
United States | rape | effects | rape victims, female | violence against women | child abuse | sexual maturation | biological evolution | adaptation | social environment | personality development | sexual behaviour | children, female | psychological stress | victimisation | |
Journal of comparative psychology ; vol. 105, no. 3 | |
ART : 04130 : Not available for external loan | |
The transformation of affect in posttraumatic nightmares | |
English | |
19910900 | |
Lansky, Melvin R. | |
United States | PTSD | veterans | combat disorders | fear | shame | affect | psychoanalysis | dreams | Freudian theory | nightmares | predisposition | adult | child abuse | early experience | rape victims | guilt | dissociative disorders | |
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic ; vol. 55, no. 4 | |
ART : 06896 : Not available for external loan | |
Arthroscopic stapling for detached superior glenoid labrum | |
English | |
19910900 | |
Yoneda, Minoru | Hirooka, Atsushi | Saito, Susumu | Yamamoto, Tomio | Ochi, Takahiro | Shino, Konsei | |
Japan | synovial bursa | fibrosis | hypertrophy | synovitis | pathology | pain | etiology | tendon injuries | tendons | athletic injuries | diagnosis | physiopathology | surgical procedures | cartilage, articular | shoulder joint injuries | shoulder joint | surgical staplers | arthroscopy | rotation | range of motion, articular | |
Journal of bone and joint surgery. British volume ; vol. 73, no. 5 | |
MON : 2016.190 : Not available for external loan | |
Diyarbakir Katliami : Araştırma Raporu = Diyarbakir massacre : research report [t] | |
Turkish | |
19910900 | |
Yurt | |
Insan Haklari Derneği Diyarbakir Şubesi | |
Turkey | Diyarbakir (Turkey) | civil and political rights | democracy | discrimination | equality before the law | ethnic and national groups | ethnic discrimination | freedom of expression | human rights | torture | statistics | prisoners | inhuman treatment | judicial system | legal protection | minority groups | nationalities and regional groups | political opposition | right to liberty and security | violence | |
MON : 1991.136 : Not available for external loan | |
Die Sprache extremer Gewalt : Studier zur Situation von gefolterten Flüchtlingen in der Schweiz und zur Therapie von Folterfolgen | |
German | |
19910900 | |
Institut für Ethnologie der Universität Bern | |
Wicker, Hans-Rudolf | |
Switzerland | universal | statistical information | torture | medical ethics | treatment | rehabilitation | psychotherapy | cases | |
ART : 06486 : Not available for external loan | |
Elevated awakening threshold in sleep stage 3-4 in war-related post-traumatic stress disorder | |
English | |
19910900 | |
Dagan, Y. | Lavie, P. | Bleich, A. | |
Israel | arousal | auditory threshold | combat disorders | diagnosis | physiopathology | sensory thresholds | sleep | PTSD | acoustic stimulation | electroencephalography | reaction time | physiology | social environment | veterans | |
Biological psychiatry ; vol. 30, no. 6 | |