Show record 1 to 10 of 34 from RCT
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  • ART : 11513 : Not available for external loan
    Sierra Leone's peace process : the role of the human rights community
    Johns Hopkins University
    Sierra Leone | United Nations | technical cooperation | impact assessment | transition to democracy | conflict resolution | peace | human rights | NGOs | civil society | intergovernmental organisations
    Human rights quarterly ; vol. 26, no. 1
  • ART : 14013 : Not available for external loan
    A public hearing on the torture of children
    Asian Legal Resource Centre
    torture | children | police | Sri Lanka | torture | children | police
    article 2 ; vol. 3, no. 1
    Asian Human Rights Commission
  • ART : 12072 : Not available for external loan
    The role of neuroticism, pain catastrophizing and pain-related fear in vigilance to pain : a structural equations approach
    Netherlands | low back pain | physiopathology | psychology | chronic pain | neurotic disorders | etiology | fear | arousal | attitude to health | disability evaluation | extraversion (psychology) | factor analysis, statistical | interpersonal relations | psychological models | pain measurement | personality assessment | regression analysis | sex factors | questionnaires | catastrophisation
    Pain ; vol. 107, no. 3
  • ART : 11250 : Not available for external loan
    Governing peanuts : the regulation of the social bodies of children and the risks of food allergies
    Canada | cooperative behaviour | food preferences | guidelines | Individualism | parents | risk management | schools | social control | sociology | children | health education | family | students | caregiving
    Social science and medicine ; vol. 58, no. 4
  • ART : 11251 : Not available for external loan
    Negative pathways to psychiatric care and ethnicity : the bridge between social science and psychiatry
    United Kingdom | commitment of mentally ill | culture | psychiatry | forensic psychiatry | doctor-patient relations | family practice | ethnology | referral and consultation | mental disorders | health services needs and demand | patient acceptance of health care | cross-cultural comparison | social isolation
    Social science and medicine ; vol. 58, no. 4
  • ART : 14011 : Not available for external loan
    Recent cases of torture and killing committed by the police in Sri Lanka
    Asian Legal Resource Centre
    torture | prisoners | police | Sri Lanka | torture methods | cases | torture | prisoners | police | death in custody
    article 2 ; vol. 3, no. 1
    Asian Human Rights Commission
  • ART : 11091 : Not available for external loan
    Trauma exposure and post-traumatic stress symptoms in urban African schools : survey in CapeTown and Nairobi
    Royal College of Psychiatrists
    South Africa | Kenya | violence | urban areas | children | adolescents | child abuse | sexual abuse | depressive disorder | PTSD | substance-related disorders | epidemiology | ethnology | health surveys | prevalence | questionnaires | self report | schools | regression analysis | sex factors | time factors | Cape Town (South Africa) | Nairobi (Kenya) | crime | emotional trauma | multiple traumatic events | comorbidity
    British journal of psychiatry ; vol. 184
  • MON : 2004.031 : Not available for external loan
    How to fight, how to kill : child soldiers in Liberia
    Liberia | child soldiers | armed forces | armed conflict | children, female | education | rehabilitation
    Human Rights Watch | HRW
  • ART : 12007 : Not available for external loan
    Mental health status among ethnic Albanians seeking medical care in an emergency department two years after the war in Kosovo : a pilot project
    Kosovo | warfare | long-term effects | postconflict situations | mental health | PTSD | risk factors | hospitals | cross-sectional studies | psychiatric status rating scales | questionnaires | regression analysis | Kosovar Albanians
    Annals of emergency medicine ; vol. 43, no. 2
  • ART : 11470 : Not available for external loan
    Domestic violence and difference
    universal | culture | violence | Violence against women | women | Marriage | domestic violence | anthropology | gender aspects
    American ethnologist ; vol. 31, no. 1