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ART : 12354 : Not available for external loan | |
Gender mainstreaming vs positive action : an ongoing conflict in the EU gender equality policy | |
English | |
20050500 | |
Sage | |
Stratigaki, Maria | |
Europe | politics | women | equal opportunities | EU. European Commission | European Union | gender aspects | Gender discrimination | |
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European journal of women's studies ; vol. 12, no. 2 | |
MON : 2005.117 : Not available for external loan | |
Short guide to the European Convention on Human Rights | |
English | |
20050500 | |
Council of Europe | |
Gomien, Donna | |
9789287156709 | |
Europe | ECHR | ECHR-3 | regional human rights protection systems | treaties | human rights | case law | torture | inhuman treatment | |
ART : 12478 : Not available for external loan | |
Misdiagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder following severe traumatic brain injury | |
English | |
20050500 | |
Royal College of Psychiatrists | |
Sumpter, Ruth E. | McMillan, Tom M. | |
United Kingdom | PTSD | diagnostic errors | brain injuries | adult | comorbidity | self report | questionnaires | |
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British journal of psychiatry ; vol. 186 | |
ART : 12660 : Not available for external loan | |
Focus-pocus? : thinking critically about whether aid organizations should do fewer things in fewer countries | |
English | |
20050500 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Munro, Lauchlan T. | |
universal | organisations | Development aid | NGOs | Effectiveness | Marketing | |
Development and change ; vol. 36, no. 3 | |
MON : 2005.083 : Not available for external loan | |
Black hole : the fate of Islamists rendered to Egypt | |
English | |
20050500 | |
HRW | |
Egypt | United States | Sweden | Afghanistan | Yemen | counterterrorism | cases | torture | extraordinary rendition | refoulement | foreign policy | |
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Human Rights Watch | HRW | |
ART : 14535 : Not available for external loan | |
Democracia e violência policial: o caso da policia militar = Democracy and police violence: the case of military police | |
por | |
20050500 | |
Universidade Estadual de Maringá | |
Guimarães, Juliany Gonçalves | Torres, Ana Raquel Rosas | de Faria, Margareth R. G. V. | |
Brazil | military personnel | police violence | extrajudicial executions | attitude | students | democracy | training | human rights | |
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Psicologia em estudo ; vol. 10, no. 2 | |
ART : 12367 : Not available for external loan | |
Skin torture | |
English | |
20050500 | |
Elsevier | |
Routh, Hirak B. | Parish, Lawrence Charles | La Sen, Samantha | Bhowmik, Bishwajit | |
Bangladesh | Etiology | Torture | Violence against women | burns, chemical | Skin injuries | facial injuries | Cases | Wounds and injuries | |
Clinics in dermatology ; vol. 23, no. 3 | |
MON : 2006.001 : Not available for external loan | |
Folter im Rechtsstaat? | |
German | |
20050500 | |
Hamburger Edition | |
Reemtsma, Jan Philipp | |
3-936096-55-4 | |
Germany | universal | torture | law | ethics | Torture justifiability | |
ART : 12450 : Not available for external loan | |
Victims on transitional justice : lessons from the reparation of human rights abuses in the Czech Republic | |
English | |
20050500 | |
Johns Hopkins University | |
David, Roman | Yuk-ping, Susanne Choi | |
Czech Republic | statistical information | perception | reparations | transitional justice | compensation | forgiveness | truth disclosure | transition to democracy | human rights violations | right to justice | reconciliation | victims | postconflict reconstruction | social surveys | |
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Human rights quarterly ; vol. 27, no. 2 | |
ART : 12641 : Not available for external loan | |
Validade de constructo de escala de apoio social do Medical Outcomes Study adaptada para o português no Estudo Pró-Saúde = Construct validity of the Medical Outcomes Study's social support scale adapted to Portuguese in the Pró-Saúde Study | |
por | |
20050500 | |
Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz | |
Griep, Rosane Harter | Chor, Dora | Faerstein, Eduardo | Werneck, Guilherme L. | Lopes, Claudia S. | |
Brazil | universal | statistical information | social support | measurement | questionnaires | outcome assessment | patient satisfaction | perception | health services | |
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Cadernos de saude publica ; vol. 21, no. 3 | |