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  • ART : 13905 : Not available for external loan
    Civilization and torture : beyond the medical and psychiatric approach
    International Committee of the Red Cross
    universal | Civilisation | society | repression | Torture
    International review of the Red Cross ; vol. 89, no. 867
  • ART : 13902 : Not available for external loan
    Torture of terrorists? : use of torture in a ‘‘war against terrorism’’ : justifications, methods and effects : the case of France in Algeria, 1954–1962
    International Committee of the Red Cross
    Algeria | Universal | France | Torture | counterterrorism | Torture justifiability | war on terror
    International review of the Red Cross ; vol. 89, no. 867
  • ART : 13901 : Not available for external loan
    "In truth the leitmotiv" : the prohibition of torture and other forms of ill-treatment in international humanitarian law
    International Committee of the Red Cross
    Universal | Torture | Freedom from torture | international humanitarian law | Geneva Conventions 1949 | inhuman treatment
    International review of the Red Cross ; vol. 89, no. 867
  • ART : 13904 : Not available for external loan
    The worst scars are in the mind : psychological torture
    International Committee of the Red Cross
    universal | torture | psychological effects | psychological torture | torture methods | inhuman treatment | degrading treatment | submarino [torture method] | solitary confinement | sleep deprivation | torture definition
    International review of the Red Cross ; vol. 89, no. 867
  • ART : 13903 : Not available for external loan
    Black letter abuse : the US legal response to torture since 9/11
    International Committee of the Red Cross
    United States | Universal | Torture | inhuman treatment | national law | international human rights law | Torture justifiability | torture definition | interrogation | extraordinary rendition
    International review of the Red Cross ; vol. 89, no. 867
  • ART : 13906 : Not available for external loan
    Physicians and torture : lessons from the Nazi doctors
    International Committee of the Red Cross
    Germany | universal | Torture | doctors' participation | Nazi doctors | human rights violations | psychology | perpetrators | torturers | Personality traits | personal characteristics | dehumanisation | sensitivity (personality) | Obedience | power
    International review of the Red Cross ; vol. 89, no. 867