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ART : 25316 : Not available for external loan | |
Out-group animus and punitiveness in Latin America | |
English | |
20200700 | |
Sage | |
Lehmann, Peter S. | Chouhy, Cecilia | Singer, Alexa J. | Stevens, Jessica N. | Gertz, Marc | |
Argentina | Uruguay | Paraguay | Mexico | Costa Rica | Colombia | Brazil | Bolivia | Belize | penal policy | ethnic conflict | threat perception | race | aliens | ingroup outgroup | cross-national comparison | social control | ethnic and national groups | indigenous groups | minority groups | stereotyping | criminal justice | authoritarianism | public opinion | |
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Crime and delinquency ; vol. 66, no. 8 | |
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ART : 26556 : Not available for external loan | |
The proliferating pains of imprisonment | |
English | |
20200700 | |
Sage | |
Haggerty, Kevin D. | Bucerius, Sandra | |
universal | imprisonment effects | social pain | discourse analysis | review | facility design and construction | prisoners, elderly | age factors | sex factors | deprivation | sociology | punishment | social concepts | prisoners | penal policy | suffering | |
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Incarceration: an international journal of imprisonment, detention and coercive confinement ; vol. 1, no. 1 | |
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ART : 27930 : Not available for external loan | |
In its nature : how stealth authoritarianism keeps stealing along during the pandemic, and how can it be stopped? | |
English | |
20200700 | |
Oxford University Press | |
Kádár, András | |
communicable disease control | pandemics | government policy | authoritarianism | limitation of rights and freedoms | freedom of expression | human rights defender's role | emergencies | abuse of power | rule of law | politics | emergency legislation | Hungary | |
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Journal of human rights practice ; vol. 12, no. 2 | |
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ART : 26333 : Not available for external loan | |
Biometrics as imperialism : age assessments of young asylum seekers in Denmark | |
English | |
20200700 | |
Sage | |
Dahler, Nanna | |
Denmark | unaccompanied refugee minors | imperialism | humanitarianism | armed conflict | immigration policy | rejected asylum seekers | deportation | war on terror | decision making | body | colonialism | biometric identification | Afghans | comparison | asylum seekers, young adult | legal protection | discrimination | asylum procedure | age determination | |
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Race and class ; vol. 62, no. 1 | |
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ART : 26481 : Not available for external loan | |
Police culture : an empirical appraisal of the phenomenon | |
English | |
20200700 | |
Sage | |
Demirkol, Ismail Cenk | Nalla, Mahesh K. | |
Turkey | police subculture | police personnel | factor analysis, statistical | authoritarianism | personality traits | cynicism | loyalty | definitions | power | personal autonomy | |
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Criminology and criminal justice ; vol. 20, no. 3 | |
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ART : 26530 : Not available for external loan | |
Unconventional answers to unprecedented challenges: the Swedish experience during the COVID-19 outbreak | |
English | |
20200700 | |
Korean Society for Preventive Medicine | |
Valeriani, Giuseppe | Vukovic, Iris Sarajlic | Mollica, Richard | |
Sweden | pandemics | immigrants | telemedicine | public health | health care delivery | community-based interventions | health promotion | urban areas | epidemiology | infection statistics | health services needs and demand | refugee aid | |
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Journal of preventive medicine and public health ; vol. 53, no. 4 | |
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ART : 26299 : Not available for external loan | |
Assessing oral health status, practices, and access to care among war-affected refugees living in San Antonio, Texas | |
English | |
20200700 | |
Thieme | |
Saadeh, Rami | Cappelli, David | Bober-Moken, Irene | Cothron, Annaliese | de la Torre, Magda | |
United States | refugees, adult | educational status | country of origin | risk factors | health insurance | socioeconomic factors | oral hygiene | pain | health status | health services accessibility | oral health | war victims, adult | |
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European journal of dentistry ; vol. 14, no. 3 | |
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ART : 27895 : Not available for external loan | |
Understanding adolescents' acculturation processes : new insights from the intergroup perspective | |
English | |
20200700 | |
Wiley-Blackwell | |
Karataş, Savaş | Crocetti, Elisabetta | Schwartz, Seth J. | Rubini, Monica | |
Italy | Turkey | adolescents | Syrian refugees, adolescent | peer group | parents | interpersonal relations | socialisation | self concept | social identification | immigrants, adolescent | acculturation | |
New directions for child and adolescent development ; vol. 2020, no. 172 | |
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