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  • ART : 29124 : Not available for external loan
    An exploratory study of embitterment in traumatized refugees
    BioMed Central
    Switzerland | refugees | asylum seekers | mental disorders | etiology | traumatic exposure | postmigration factors | mental health status | moral injury | negativism | embitterment | self efficacy | cross-sectional study [publication type] | morals | PTSD epidemiology | prevalence | social stress | torture victims | psychometrics | General Self-Efficacy Scale | Moral Injury Appraisals Scale | Harvard Trauma Questionnaire (HTQ) | Posttraumatic Diagnostic Scale | Bern Embitterment Inventory | Post-Migration Living Difficulties Checklist
    BMC psychology ; vol. 9, no. 1
  • ART : 29326 : Not available for external loan
    How the prohibition of torture under human rights law applies to nursing
    Mark Allen
    freedom from torture | international legal instruments | international human rights law | CoE. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) | ECHR-3 | torture definition | inhuman treatment | degrading treatment | torture threshold | case law | patient rights | nurse's role | right to health | health care denial | deportation | HIV/AIDS | bystanding | nurse-patient relations | professional obligations | nursing ethics | United Kingdom | Europe
    British journal of nursing ; vol. 30, no. 11