Show record 1 to 4 of 4 from RCT
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  • ART : 00079 : Not available for external loan
    Empowerment transformation training reduces rape among girls and young women in South Sudan and the Kakuma refugee camp
    South Sudan | Kenya | gender-based violence prevention | rape prevention | preventative interventions | empowerment programmes | programme evaluation | refugee camps | developing countries | South Sudanese, female, adolescent | South Sudanese, female, young adult | violence against women prevention | training interventions | self-defence techniques | South Sudanese refugees, female, young adult | South Sudanese refugees, female, adolescent
    Journal of adolescent health ; doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2023.10.033
  • ART : 01204 : Not available for external loan
    Islamic trauma healing (ITH) : a scalable, community-based program for trauma : cluster randomized control trial design and method
    group psychotherapy | clinical trial [publication type] | somatic symptoms | depression therapy | well-being | Somaliland (Somalia) | Islam | PTSD therapy | exposure to warfare effects | traumatic exposure effects | refugees | war victims | cognitive behavioural therapy | Muslims | developing countries | community mental health workers | religious institution's role | community-based interventions | Somalia
    Contemporary clinical trials ; doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2023.101237
  • ART : 26797 : Not available for external loan
    Bread, freedom or social justice? An empirical investigation into the determinants of the Arab Spring
    Taylor and Francis
    determinants of political violence | cross-national analysis | riots | economic conditions effects | repression effects | standard of living | political change | social change | revolutions | human rights violations effects | Algeria | Bahrain | Egypt | Jordan | Kuwait | Libya | Morocco | Oman | Qatar | Saudi Arabia | Syrian Arab Republic | Tunisia | United Arab Emirates | Yemen
    Democratization ; doi: 10.1080/13510347.2023.2280993
  • ART : 00969 : Not available for external loan
    Mental health and sleep disturbances among Ukrainian refugees in the context of Russian-Ukrainian war : a preliminary result from online-survey
    universal | Ukrainian refugees | sleep disorders epidemiology | war victims | exposure to warfare effects | traumatic exposure effects | psychometrics | Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21 | Insomnia Severity Index | Symptom Checklist-90 | mental health status | risk factors | depression epidemiology | depression etiology | PTSD epidemiology | PTSD etiology | social support | employment status | legal status | psychological stress | anxiety | distress | hostility | obsessive-compulsive symptoms
    Sleep medicine ; doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2023.12.004