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  • MON : 2014.124 : Not available for external loan
    Incommunicado detention and torture : assessments using the Istanbul Protocol
    Spain | Basque Country (Spain) | credibility assessment | counterterrorism | cases | incommunicado detention | research design | Istanbul Protocol | medical documentation of torture | research ethics | torture | classification | torture methods | physical effects of torture | psychological effects of torture | forensic evaluation of torture | forensic medicine | social effects | reparations | rehabilitation | medical examination on admission
    ARGITUZ | Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry (AEN) | Ekimen Elkartea, Association for Social Problems Study | Community Action Group (GAC) Resource Centre on Mental Health and Human Rights | Jaiki-Hadi, Prebentzio eta Asistentziarako Elkartea. Prevention and Assistance Association | Osasun Mentalaren Elkartea (OME). Mental Health and Community Psychiatry Association | Asociación por el Derecho a la Salud (OSALDE). Health’s Right Association | Basque Country University. Department of Social Psychology (UPV/EHU)