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  • MON : 1995.215 : Not available for external loan
    Folter : zur Analyse eines Herrschaftsmittels
    agents responsible for violations | civil and political rights | conflict resolution | democracy | detainees | government | history | human rights violations | impunity | judicial system | law and order | legal protection | military government | disappeared persons | national security | persecution | political systems | repression | state | torture | torture victims | Chile | Greece | Argentina | Turkey | Germany | universal | agents responsible for violations | civil and political rights | conflict resolution | democracy | detainees | government | history | human rights violations | impunity | judicial system | law and order | legal protection | military government | disappeared persons | national security | persecution | political systems | repression | state (political entity) | torture | torture victims | organised violence | torture methods
    Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung